> Can cutting trees cause global warming to the forest?

Can cutting trees cause global warming to the forest?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
seirous answer please.

Every time a tree or plant dies, be it, old age, cutting or burning, it releases it's stored CO2 into the atmosphere. For a short time this, would effect the forest area with an higher CO2 before blending into the atmosphere

Global is world-wide. A forest is local.

You see the affect that all this bogey-man calling on the part the greenies has done to your logic? According to your question, Global Warming, can be hiding everywhere or anywhere, just like a bogey-man. It is something to be afraid of but never seen. It is the ultimate scare tactic of people who are not out for your best interests.

Scientists haven't even proven that there is global warming, let alone what causes it. Until that has been established, there can be no serious answer to your question. "You just got to believe." is a statement which belongs in religion, not science.

The question is poorly worded. The forests (not "forest" unless you say which one) are not the same as the whole globe.

Cutting trees CAN increase global warming slightly.

It is the major cause of global warming.

Extinction of animals and the nature cause changes in atmosphere.

Precautions can be used.

like planting 2 trees cutting 1.

No, forest is not a Globe, therefore the warming in the forest can not be global. That would be called forest warming.

Cutting trees, making place non forest, therefore warming is not happening in the forest.

This is the most serious answer: there is no such thing as AGW, David Bellamy reported this at the weekend and I think he knows far more about this subject than anyone else on here.

Yes forest and woods have lower albedo (sun reflection) than bare ground/grasslands, plus they transpire water vapor, some of which cause mist/clouds which also reflects sunlight.

Serious question first, Dumpty.

seirous answer please.