> Why are the sea levels rising?

Why are the sea levels rising?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As with many of their absurd theories deniers seem to not be able to make up their minds, in the last few months they have lurched from "sea level isn't rising" to "sea level is at a ten year low" to the old favorite "it's been rising since the last ice age ended" (used by an answer here)

Look at the three denier theories and you can see just how "full of it" deniers are.

Look at the first "sea level isn't rising" satellite show that sea level is rising, there is no doubt about that, at all

Second "sea level is back to the level of a decade ago" this one comes from a story published by watts and is quite simply not true, there were short term drops related to 2011 being cooler, but nothing like a decade more like 2 years and it has recovered much of that loss since denier tried to make the claim.


Then the claim it's all just recovery from the last ice age, another hollow claim as sea level did rise sharply at the end of the last ice, but that rate dropped off in several steps, the last of those were 7000, 4000 years ago and then 2000 years ago, when sea level rise pretty much stopped.


If you look at the rate shown in the above graph between 7000 & 4000 years ago, sea level went up ~3m in 3000 years, at the rate we have now (even if it does not increase further) we have a rate that will achieve 3m in 1000 years, 3 times the rate of 7000-4000 years ago and the rate we have now is almost double the rate we had 20 years ago. So claim it is just a continuation of the end of the last ice age is also rubbish.

@Wang...It has been rising since the end of the last ice age. There has been no alarming increase in sea level at all. The measurements in sea level rise before tide gauges were from proxies and give a rough estimate.

"2000 years ago, when sea level rise pretty much stopped."

First off, your looking at a graph in METERS. The highest upwards adjusted estimate of sea level rise right now is 2.9 MILLIMETERS a year.

Also, there is a noticeable sea level rise from 1900 to 1920. Are you saying "Global Warming" caused this rise as well?

Alarmists: Clowns of the Earth.

The current rate is 1mm -2mm a year. Is that drastic? Global mean temperature has risen 0.5-0.6 C since 1880. Is that drastic? You have been programmed to believe it I think. The best way to get information on this is to investigate both sides instead of just believing one side. I implore you to read some opposing scientific evidence and research which involves mathematical calculations. I know that this is irrelevant, but I have to ask : Did you know that the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned? Most people don't understand this concept of our money system and why we are in debt. It's the same with Global Warming. What you don't know will hurt you.





sea levels changes all the time since Earth is always in motion

It's too tiny an amount if any to notice or matter, so it's a bit of a non problem really.


The arctic and antarctic ice caps are melting due to global warming. The water goes into the sea and causes the levels to rise

where Oz, because they aren't in the real world

poles are melting