> Random theory on climate change?

Random theory on climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The earths tilt changes all the time but slowly over thousands of years, plus our orbit around the sun changes, and earth precession (wobble) changes, but it is over something like a hundred thousand years.

Don't worry the earth has always had changeable weather, it gives us something to talk about, think how boring it would be if it was so predictable.

The Earth cannot tilt a little bit without people noticing. Geodesists and astronomers know precisely where the Earth it pointing--their jobs depend on that. It's also very difficult to make the Earth tilt--it's essentially the biggest gyroscope you've ever seen.

I heard, well my science teacher told me that every six months that the continents drift like half a millimeter away from eachother, that didn't really answer your question, but yes, the earth is going through changes day by day!

maybe not sure. makes sense though

i had a weird theory the other day. i noticed the last two years has been very warm. what if something (i dont know what) caused the earth to tilt a little bit. Wouldnt that change the temperature? Is this even possible? do you think it could of happened?