> I've never see a change inTechnology?

I've never see a change inTechnology?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
how is it changed from 1999 to 2014 do you know any?


You’re looking at a change in technology right now. Back in 1999 the internet was relatively new, it certainly wasn’t as slick or as fast as it is now. Coloured monitors and pictures were recent advances, prior to that you had two-tome monitors and very basic blocky graphics. Just loading this page would have taken about 15 seconds and downloading a single song would have taken half an hour.

Here’s the mobile phone I had back in 1999, no pictures or internet connectivity or anything like that, but it did have three games pre-loaded on it, which was quite something at the time.


Man was on the moon in 1969, 30 years before.

From 1999, look at DNA, CERN particle physics, remote drone weapons, smart phones, hybrid cars

Man on the moon, iPhones,I pads, all the different fancy cars that's just the obvious stuff not to mention how technology in military weapons have changed, how technology in science and medical careers... n*gga please is this really a question?

what do you mean exactly by a change??

how is it changed from 1999 to 2014 do you know any?
