> How will global warming affect us?

How will global warming affect us?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Oceans will rise and will wipe out coastel areas. There will be food shortages. Extreme weather. I cant even list it all. If your dont believe in global warming then you have major issues. Its proven!!

Ozone layer gets thinner, causing hotter enviornment, pollution affecting your health, thinner ozone = more chance of skin cancer because ozone protect you from uv rays. Animal extinction

Global warming is a myth. We are closer to an ice age than the global warming myth.

2012 was the hottest summer on record, so you can count on hotter and hotter summers.

If you want snow, move to Russia.


How's that global warming working for you greenies?

Not much. Maybe increased carbon taxes which will raise the price of everything.

If and when it happens in the UK I will take my coat off.


You could google philidelphia climate change also

i currently live in the suburbs of philadelphia and it has snowed twice (barely at all, it only stayed for two days) Each year it has snowed less which is a shame because i love snow. What is going to happen? apart from water level rising and wild fires