> How popular is Al Gore in Russia right now?

How popular is Al Gore in Russia right now?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

"Snowy winters will be a thing of the past.... "

Going from the pictures in your article, the Gore Effect means that he must be there right now holding global warming talks.

And as climate scientists are telling us, the snow and cold this year in Russia, China and Eastern Europe (and now Britain) is due to the rapidly warming Arctic and reduced sea ice cover causing high pressure cold air fronts into the northern part of the northern hemisphere.

In the past, I remember when the Arctic was very cold and sea ice was very extensive. Back then we used to have balmy winters with little snowfall.

Your question is about as useful as asking how popular you are in Russia right now. In other words, who cares?

Russian winters are notorious for defeating Russia's invaders. Russia still has winters. Russia still snow. Russia still has weather.

When are you going to introduce some actual science that would over turn the Laws of Physics?

It gets cold in Russia then it snows, it happens every year. They’re used to it because it’s normal, that’s why Moscow employs a staff of 50,000 people to clear the snow and has a fleet of several thousand snowploughs (snowplows).

This year there’s been more snow than normal. It is not record breaking as some people claim, just unusual. Furthermore, it’s weather not climate and it’s Russia not global.

You’ll be pleased to know that the three factors contributing to the snow are the Arctic Dipole Anomaly (almost certainly caused by global warming), Sudden Stratospheric Warming (possibly influenced by global warming) and the erratic Circumpolar Jet Stream (almost certainly disrupted by global warming).

Your quote of “Snowy winters will be a thing of the past....” doesn’t even relate to Russia, is taken out of context and was made in respect of the significant decline in snowfall in the UK by one person several years ago.

If you followed events in the real world you’d be well aware that for many years climate scientists have stated that Arctic weather disruption will bring periods of intense cold and snowfall to the mid and high northerly latitudes.

Your focussing on abstract and irrelevant issues only serves to reinforce the belief that skeptics have nothing at all with which to counter the theory of global warming. If you did then you’d use it.

Has anyone in Russia even heard of Al Gore? They do know about global warming, though. Remember the Russian heat wave?


I don't imagine that most Russians are stupid enough to obsess on Gore either right now or at any time. That dysfunctional behavior seems to be limited to a specific segment of the American political landscape.

I think you're criticizing him at a time when he was pushing "Global Warming"

He is now pushing "Climate Change" so no matter what happens it proves beyond a doubt that Anthropogenic C02 in the atmosphere is bad and that he is right. A cold snowy winter in Europe proves "Climate Change" is real.

It's called CLIMATE CHANGE! DA!!!


EDIT: Sorry, I guess it really is called snow!

Wait, Ten hottest years 98' 2001' 04' 05' ETC.

They are hanging him in effigy every hour. I would postpone any trips there, if I were him.


"Snowy winters will be a thing of the past.... "