> How are human interactions causing climate shift and global warming?

How are human interactions causing climate shift and global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There hasn't been any reasonable proof that there is. Everything is theory, and not very good theory at that.

Without doubt humans are causing enormous environmental problems and spoiling this planet of ours.

However I do not think we are causing much change to our climate, our effects are minor compared to solar, planetary orbits, plate tectonics, volcanoes, our oceans etc. we are now just coming out of a period of intense solar activity, and cooling could occur.

Simple,we use the chemical products big corporations get for us,but we use pure water to waste this chemicals all around,and the big corporations ask for more pure water.

Who mess whit natural resourses?

The stock markets invest in messy products,not in clean water or clean air,because after the air and water is clean their stocks are out of bussines.

Cars we use


cutting doen trees

oil spills in the ocean.

Killing animals

Gov't does crazy sheet all the time without our knowledge. Who knows what they are doing with the weather cause it is crazy these days.