> How feasible would it be to protect the world's coastal cities against rising sea levels, as the Dutch do?

How feasible would it be to protect the world's coastal cities against rising sea levels, as the Dutch do?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Or would it be too expensive?

Massively expensive. And the Dutch will have a massive expense to make their dikes higher too. They have more to fear from rising sea level than anybody I think.

the Dutch have been at it for centuries, it's not just money. Given the expense of moving New York city, it maybe a candidate for large dams. With so many other cities, it's highly likely that many of them cannot be completely saved. Other cities around the world may not even have basic resources to save them.

It would be determined by which city you are talking about. Miami and New Orleans are not defendable against rising sea levels.

You could pay for it with a tax on gasoline. Or a better idea, pay for clean energy with a tax on gasoline and stop the sea level from rising, with a much smaller tax.

Or would it be too expensive?