> Global warming why do ocean surface temperatures never exceed 31C?

Global warming why do ocean surface temperatures never exceed 31C?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you believe the paper by Ramanathan and Collins "Thermodynamic regulation of ocean warming by cirrus clouds deduced from observations of the 1987 El Ni?o" it's because of cirrus clouds.


There are exceptions. For example, when lava flows into the ocean from Hawaiian volcanoes it reaches about 100 Deg C but admittedly that is a small exception but you did use the word never.

Anyway, there are a few reasons. The atmosphere never gets above about 140 Deg F. The ocean has a lot of mass and because it is liquid, temperatures tend to redistribute readily.

Well! in England we have the Gulf stream but who said it never exceeds 31c ? most of the great thinkers forget little things that can effect temperatures like LIGHTNING, ICE BURGS, SUN, WARM AND COLD STREAMS, WE could go on buts its February and I am still admiring a couple of large ferns and a couple of lavender plants that are flowering nicely


It never gets much warmer than around 30 - 31 degree c.

Because the ocean has a very high heat capacity.

I personally believe it is through cumulonimbus clouds (thunderheads) probably forming earler in the day, through excess evaporation.