> What was the ecological and agricultural catastrophes caused by "global warming" in the last 2 decades?

What was the ecological and agricultural catastrophes caused by "global warming" in the last 2 decades?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well the list is huge.

Just a taster:

? There was that butterfly that became extinct - until someone found another one.

? There were the penguins that nearly died out because the bands they were marking them with increased the mortality rates.

? There were also the penguins whose numbers plummeted until the scientists worked out they had just relocated.

? The polar bears nearly died out in one place but somewhere the scientists weren't interested in appeared, strangely, to be gaining polar bears.

Dr. Sagan died. Maybe that was the catastrophe he predicted.

Sagan was a political hack if ever there was one. Because he was about pushing a poltical agenda instead of giving an honest evaluation, he exaggerated. It was either that or he was really really wrong.

Score AGW disasters 0 .

Blamed on AGW by Sanders ,Whitehouse and other nuts.

Lake affect Snow last year in Buffalo blamed by AGW by a weatherman that quit flying.

Bernie Sanders blamed a Hurricane that hit Vermont on AGW .No proof but He wants to sound insane.

Sheldon Whitehouse thinks R.I. is sinking , and He blamed Joplin Tornado F-5 on AGW tornado season . He is nuts too, and no evidence.

A liberal nut will blame weather to justify a carbon tax even it will fail to affect Climate and weather.

Look Jello,

It gets really annoying having to tell you this over and over again. There have been massive crop failures caused by AGW. How do we know? Well if you look at the crop production, it has been increasing faster than the population. Surely, this has to make sense to you.

If it doesn't, it is clear you deny science.

You don't want to be accused of denying science, do you?

Good. Go back to banging your head on the wall of enlightenment.

I heard the pistachio crop in California was in trouble. Monarch butterflies are in danger, too.

See, environmental upheaval wherever you turn.

Each heat wave that resulted in deaths. They would have occurred anyway, but every tenth of a degree of extra heat kills even more people.

The planet could face an "ecological and agricultural catastrophe" by the next decade if global warming trends continue - Carl Sagan - Buffalo News Oct. 15, 1990

Can anyone name the ecological and agricultural catastrophes caused by so-called "global warming" over the last 15 years? Or was Dr. Sagan just wrong and had no idea what he was talking about?