> Will we be able to stop global warming?

Will we be able to stop global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Whether global warming is human induced is true or not, why does that change the ultimate goal of good environmental practices. It is ignorant to say, "oh well, were not causing it so why change".....

Environmental protection goes way beyond the changing climates of the Earth, it is a new way of living, and an ethical agenda. We think that its ok to consume as much as we do, the environmental red flags are no doubt a way for some groups to turn profits, and there lies the problem.

Ask yourself: If your best friend was suffering of a new disease and the cure lied within medication that came from a threatened species of plants and all you needed to do was lower your standard of living so they could survive, it would be no question! That is happening every day, every day something goes extinct without us being able to examine its benefits....we must stop free-riding off the people that actually care and look within ourselves to be better, change the culture!

No. Humanity cannot stop something that started when the little ice age ended. The planet hasn't even warmed up to what it was 1000 years ago before the little ice age.

Joe, the catastrophic extreme weather that we were promised as a result of global warming seems to be AWOL. Didn't AlGore have 4 or more hurricanes going on at the same time on one of his book covers? In fact, that scene was so catastrophic due to the extreme chaos of the climate one of those hurricanes was spinning in the opposite direction of what is possible and another hurricane was occurring where one could not. Where are these weather extremes we were promised? CO2 is still rising but temps are falling and global warming is not occurring. There have been fewer hurricanes than we were told, fewer tornadoes, etc. The more AGW cultists makes claims like this the exact opposite happens.

Will we be able to stop global warming?

Technically there is no reason why we would not be able to. When you understand that AGW is caused by a 40% increase of CO2, a know greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere we can remove the additional CO2 from the atmosphere if we want a lower average temperature globally and increase it if we want a higher temperature.

Considering that some of us are unable to accept the science and even fewer who are willing to act for future generations, Even though most humans are smarter then yeast (which consumes all available resources, or dies in it's own excrement) I doubt we will stop and we will just have to adapt. Thankfully genetic manipulation will be far enough advanced to allow us to do just that. (ironically making humans "creator gods")

Forget what you have been told for a minute and think.

We have a bunch of scientific wiz guys with super computers that can predict weather models, satellites, weather gadgets, all sorts of data gathering equipment. They are trying to tell us what the weather will be 10...20....30 years from now. They are predicting that things are going to be terrible in the near future.

Yet, somehow, they can't predict the weather next week.

Last year these wizards of smart predicted that the United States would have an average winter, with average temperatures and below average precipitation. True, look it up. They published all sorts of nice maps, graphics and data.

And they did not even come close to what actually happened. The Mideast set snowfall records, broke lots of temperature records.....we still have not seen any signs of spring. The Atlantic states got hammered, right up through March! All unpredicted.

Meanwhile, we have those people at the Old Farmers Almanac. Non-scientific twits with no training, just a bunch of past history data, common sense, and a few brain cells. They predicted that we would have a terrible winter, far below average temperatures...basically everything they predicted came true. Look it up, it's on the net.

And it's been this way for decades.

And what do these uneducated wizards of stupidity say about global warming? Rubbish. Sunspots, ocean currents, that sort of silly nonsense.....things that the global warming crowd just poo-poo away as silly.

But.....decades of accurately predicting the weather? And they totally nailed it this year while the professional scientists didn't come close?

And now here we are...you worrying about cow farts and non-toxic Co2 levels? Not getting any sleep?

I pitty you. Hope you wake up soon.

Well, I would not say it is "global warming" and yes, I do agree with global warming. What I am seeing is a "global cooling" aspect; however, we cannot really care for it until the right technology arrives. We thrive on fossil fuels and we need to find alternatives before dealing with this can be a reality. There is no place windy enough, there is no waterfall high enough, and there is no place sunny enough to be able to get power any other way. Natural gas could always work and nuclear is always good too; but no one is willing to make the technologies and no one wants a nuclear meltdown and radioactive crap where they live.

It stopped in 1998 .The Medevil Warm period it went up 4

degrees . People thrived, Swamps dried up , Malaria went

away . Greenland was green not ice covered .

Your brain didn't grow it got brainwashed with all the propganda put out, there is not settled science, science evolves, settled science is like when for hundreds of years they believed that letting out some of your blood would cure sickness and disease.

Sure if we go back in time and take away the things that we do not need. By the way, the polar ice cap refroze 26% this year. Which is a good thing. But it's been happening since the beginning of man. It'll be okay! :)

ya, If we stop burning so much fossil fuels and look for a more environmentally friendly solution. They say if we tun off all electricity Nd don't burn fossil fuels for 30 years our Ozone layer would have recovered

It is easy. Since it is nothing but a con then get some common sense and laugh at the idiots spewing this stuff.

Or rather will we be able to survive it? I used to be opposed to a lot of the global warming crowd but over time my brain grew a few sizes.. either that or I began to use more of it.. but in any case the effects are quite obvious around us and the science cannot be denied. I am actually quite worried now. We will either have to jump to a new planet and do things right there or find a way to adapt to growing temperatures. Can humanity survive?

Good luck getting to another planet. Don't worry, we are due for an ice age.

As for stopping CO2 emissions, talk to the Chinese, who emit more than one quarter of all CO2, and this amount is growing every year.

Humans can adapt but the disastrous weather change will be past down onto our descendants

If we ditched technology and go back to the good old days.

Yes we can! Just stop supporting those charlatans who impose this this crap upon us.

Global Warming s a political movement and has nothing to do with saving the earth or its environment. This is made clear by one of the IPCC's own head honchos.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

This has been a well established truth and there definitely is no catastrophic man made change to the environment or atmosphere. Many scientists are on record for saying this.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

Quote by Martin Keeley, geology scientist: “Global warming is indeed a scam, perpetrated by scientists with vested interests, but in need of crash courses in geology, logic and the philosophy of science.”

And a clear quote as to how to stop global warming is by Eduardo Tonni, paleontologist, Committee for Scientific Research, Argentina: “The [global warming] scaremongering has its justification in the fact that it is something that generates funds.”

Take away the money and power and AGW will be a thing of the past.

Nope we have produced enough extra greenhouse gases to keep it going beyond 2100 We can slow it down to make the world better for our future generations

Sagebrush nailed it. Take away the "research" and subsidy $Billions that have been robbed from taxpayers and ....Voila!!!....."Global Warming" will simply disappear.......Seriously!

It's all about the taxpayer's Money!!