> Will Dr Phillip Rasch bring a better understanding and precision to climate models in showing how our atmosphere works?

Will Dr Phillip Rasch bring a better understanding and precision to climate models in showing how our atmosphere works?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Chaos theory shows that chaotic systems have properties that can be meaningfully modeled. The capability of putting bounds on those properties has had a wide variety of useful scientific and engineering results.

The fact that you can't know everything about a system doesn't preclude you from knowing a lot of useful things.

No. When will they get into their heads, that as Edward Lorenz (he who coined the phrase a butterfly flaps it's wings and a hurricane forms) discovered, climate is a chaos system that cannot be adequately modeled, alter one parameter a tiny amount and you will get a totally different result

By all means do research on how much, more CO2 will effect us, and how changing solar conditions will effect us, the same with aerosols, volcanoes and ocean cycles, so we can have a rough idea what could happen, but put them all together with many other factors, and expect a computer model to predict, how, where, when, by how much, and at what rate? It is just not going to happen


But not to worry.

When he says, and shows, that it's warming, you'll be up to the task of denying it.

I have faith in you. ;)

that is the goal of a true scientist

