> What will happen if the ice caps melt?

What will happen if the ice caps melt?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i know that places will flood. but what else?

Salinity, temperature, etc.

the artic and the cold seas will warm up and everything there dies, global warming, total chaos, people killing each other and eventually we will live in space :) unless we find away before the atmosphere break and we will suffocate :) the end -_-

Nature will adjust, life will evolve to adapt to the change as has happened 100s if not 1000s of times in the past. Antarctica was once a densely populated lush rainforest teaming with life. Geologists are still finding fossils of turtles and palm trees there from the Eocene era 35 to 55 million years ago.

Polar ice caps will take 1000s of years to melt if nature allows them too again. Will not occur within our lifetimes.

All the doom and gloom replies above are laughable.

This is what we're working hard to understand, but in the simplest terms, I think most glaciologists agree that the first meter of sea-level rise -- the loss of enough ice and the expansion of the ocean -- is not that difficult to foresee. That's not to say it will happen in the next century, but if it were to happen, not a lot of us would be surprised. Now you start to get to higher levels -- two meters, three meters -- then the consensus or the surprise factor starts to grow. It really isn't clear how much and how fast the ice can change.

Before I go out, I'll have to answer: Nature will adjust, life will evolve to adapt to the change as has happened 100s if not 1000s of times in the past. Antarctica was once a densely populated lush rainfore Hope you find the answer you're looking for Tammie!

I better answer this question Tammie before I pop out to work :( The sea levels will rise, which is bad for islands. Animals living in the Arctic (for example) like polar bears, have lost breeding and hunting grounds. Many have starved Hope you find the answer you're looking for Tammie!

It's a excellent question Tammie, and my answer is: It will be a lot warmer and have far less land to build homes on and farm. But If we are willing to spend enough money we can adapt and choose to accept the refuges or a Hope you find the answer you're looking for Tammie!

Well if the poles and all the ice melts the seas are expected to rise 220 feet wiping out most coastal cities. Any ground water near the new shore line will become undrinkable due to saline. Most vegetation or crops near the shoreline will die as the salt infiltrates to roots and turns the top soil unusable due to salt.

The temps will continue to warm but still there will be odd weather events. The warming will increase both in intensity and more rapidly

google polar caps melt impact to get more

if the ice caps melts the low lying areas are likely to be submerged. the oceans would rise part of earth will be gone which is very bad for our fragile planet.


The sea levels will rise, which is bad for islands. Animals living in the Arctic (for example) like polar bears, have lost breeding and hunting grounds. Many have starved and died, or swam out to find land without food for days and never reach land. Permafrost is melting, and it's not supposed to, because it's PERMAfrost.

It will be a lot warmer and have far less land to build homes on and farm. But If we are willing to spend enough money we can adapt and choose to accept the refuges or allow them to drown.

i know that places will flood. but what else?

Salinity, temperature, etc.

There have been many periods in Earths history when there have been no permanent ice caps, life flourished then, so no reason why it should not flourish again.

Food will shorten and animals will die so will humans.

It would be just like "Waterworld"