> Why does Obama a committed atheist liar, continue to waste our time and money with meaningless treaties that are based o

Why does Obama a committed atheist liar, continue to waste our time and money with meaningless treaties that are based o

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We're saved Dr No signed a climate agreement!

Nov 12 (Reuters) – The joint statement by the United States and China on climate change, issued on Wednesday, is more important for its political and diplomatic symbolism than any practical effect it might have in reducing emissions.

The statement reiterates policies China and the United States have been developing on their own and contains no new binding limits on greenhouse emissions.

Instead it is intended to “inject momentum into the global climate negotiations and inspire other countries to join in coming forward with ambitious actions as soon as possible” ahead of the next multilateral climate summit in Paris in 2015.

Myron Ebell called it"meaningless".

"It is not clear what President Xi’s commitment means, but President Obama’s signature on the deal has no legal force. And it will be up to future Presidents and Congresses after he leaves office in January 2017 to decide whether to require the emissions reductions agreed to."


So, calling Obama a Muslim is not enough of a character assassination for you. You now need to call him an atheist.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


Obama is the best thing since 'sliced bread'. You religious nut, really should go back to school for a better education. If your putting all your trust in a mythical being, really.

All the hot air from politicians isn't going to decrease global warming.

Oh, another question from Maxx's female alter ego. No more honest than he is, unfortunately.

Obama is not an atheist, and global warming is not a fraud. You are, though.

I have no idea who "Professor Carol M. Swain" is, but it's unfortunate that you picked a professor that can't even spell "deceived."

This is a rant I expect someone will report this.

However the agreement is a meaningless act of political propaganda, Obama wants to carry on his climate policies, and China is just playing lip service, they have 15yrs to flood the atmosphere with CO2 and after that they will do whatever they consider best for them.

Bit of a loaded question, don't you think?

is obama an atheist or a muslim, make up your mind!

you forgot to bring uo fake birth certificate a n that he is half white and tall with black shoes.

your god is not going to help.

The United States and China pledged Wednesday to take ambitious action to limit greenhouse gases, aiming to inject fresh momentum into the global fight against climate change ahead of high-stakes climate negotiations next year.

President Barack Obama announced that the US would move much faster in cutting its levels of pollution. Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to cap China's emissions in the future — a striking, unprecedented move by a nation that has been reluctant to box itself in on global warming.

"This is a major milestone in the US-China relationship," Obama said, with Xi at his side. "It shows what's possible when we work together on an urgent global challenge."

The US set a new target to reduce its emissions of heat-trapping gases by 26 percent to 28 percent by 2025, compared with 2005 levels. That's a sharp increase from earlier in Obama's presidency, when he pledged to cut emissions by 17 percent by 2020.

Thank GOD, Obama is gone in 2017. Too many American Families have been hurt from this self serving atheist nut.

AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST - GOD Controls the Climate not the Death Worshiping Democrat party