> When did the missing heat enter the oceans?

When did the missing heat enter the oceans?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
When, how and where are all very good questions regarding ocean heat content.

And you also have to look at the data you provided and wonder how it reconciles with accelerated land ice melting, the other major component of sea level rise.

If ocean heat content is increasing AND Greenland ice mass loss is increasing AND Antarctic ice sheet loss is accelerating AND glaciers worldwide are receding, shouldn't we have a sea level crisis by now?

Maybe the next big AGW issue will be "missing sea water" which has been predicted by models to be hiding below the Earth's crust and in the near future will be released submerging Florida just like Al said.-

Perhaps that is because the increase in atmospheric gases happens slowly. There wasn't a sudden influx of downward longwave radiation causing enormous sea level rise. It has been slowly accumulating. Sea level, however, is affected greatly by small natural cycles such as ENSO. this is why, over the past couple years, as ocean heat content dipped slightly sea levels followed closely.



Right after Gore said." The Earth has a fever."

It happened when it became necessary to preserve a failing model of global warming.

Measuring the heat content of the ocean is a difficult thing to do (it so big) but if it is warming it will be expanding, and should be shown up in sea level rise, but I cant find any change in rate of sea level rise.
