> Why do Russian Scientists fail to conclude the planet is warming?

Why do Russian Scientists fail to conclude the planet is warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Russians are looking at science. We are looking at politics. That is why they put the first satellite up. The US was too busy stopping all funding for space research and arguing who was going to be funded for the space program back in the 50s.

Get politics out of the way and the US can outperform any nation. When politics enters the picture, all you get is politics.

Ignorant people on both sides makes for a fun argument.

The (supposed) cooling of the planet is due to less solar activity. The (supposed) warming is due to the greenhouse effect, which is entirely to do with the Earth's atmosphere. Get it? Those are two entirely independent things. The warming can happen on top of the cooling.

sott.net, are you serious?

Sott.net by über-conspiracy theorist Laura Knight Jadczyk who believes in alien abductions and frequently 'talks to aliens'?

When I provide a graph based on 4 major temperature datasets (including deniers' beloved UAH) which shows that, contrary to your and other deniers' popular claim, the world has in fact continued to warm over the past 18 years, you plainly reject that yet a single 'article' at a conspiracy- and alien and UFO hyping website, conveniently translated from an original article to which no link is provided, is believed immediately by Jello and the rest of us here on YA are supposed to do the same?

I can not say that it's true - I'm not a scientist. But now, really strange things happen. The western part of Russia is suffering from the cold and snow, while we in Siberia snow is very small and quite warm. Normally it should be the other way around. In Siberia, the winter comes much earlier.

See for yourself:





And this is the south! Uzbekistan:


You ever been to Russia during this time of year?

a few rogue scientists from Russia are part of the 3%. Their theory does not hold- greenhouse gases are overwhelming solar variability.

Because you are a liar and a moron

Instead almost every scientist and university in Russia is concluding that the Earth is entering into a period of cooler temperatures. Why are our "scientists" unable to reach the same conclusion? And who do you believe is going to be correct?
