> Global warming, Why is global sea ice at it's highest since 1999?

Global warming, Why is global sea ice at it's highest since 1999?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

More ice-lower Sea Surface Temperature (SST).

It's not:

? ? ? ? http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global-sno...

? ? ? ? http://tamino.wordpress.com/2011/01/14/m...

Note that the first link above reports that September 2014 is currently ranked 17th largest and 20th smallest out of 36 years. The 2nd link above there is a discussion and an actual data plot. (The 2nd link is a few years' dated, but he cites his sources which are trivial to paste into Excel for an accurate chart.)

Your source doesn't provide quantities or a source. No point addressing something that may have been made up out of whole cloth. As it stands, my above links are far more reputable and completely undermines yours.

EDIT for your "update": MASIE does NOT cover the globe. They say "4. What about Antarctica? We plan to add MASIE-SH as soon as resources allow." Read the darned FAQ, would you??? So I don't know how you imagine getting "global sea ice" from MASIE. That's HUGE MISTAKE #1. Then if you read the FAQ (again), you will see that they recommend you do NOT use MASIE "when comparing trends in sea ice over time or when consistency is important." That's HUGE MISTAKE #2. And I'm not going to waste more time trying to find more mistakes (such as verifying what column of data was used, IF ANY, of their dataset, which I doubt was used at all -- I think you are simply wrong about MASIE, as well.) What a crock!

I would just say that every uncetain thing happening cause by global warming.

If you say so.


For day 300, gee look at how much it has increased in the last 2 years.


I guess that means we are headed for another ice age in, say, the next ten years right?

Because increased ice mass is caused by so-called "global warming" as well as a decrease in ice mass. Even a constant ice mass is proof of so-called "global warming"!

global warming of course, we are doomed with a whole lot of gloom

Jonathon. It's October now not sept, and why are you showing out of date tamino did you think we would not notice the date.

Don't you know? Global warming causes EVERYTHING!!!!

Now, stop thinking and just follow. Be mind numbed, its far easier.

Take your SOMA and be happy.

you could chose 2000 as a start year and have different conclusion. using 2 points is not a trend.
