> Did you think you would see Geenie against Greenie action like this so soon?

Did you think you would see Geenie against Greenie action like this so soon?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Good 'ole law of unintended consequences working once again. Because of so-called "global warming", the government started throwing money at corporations to build these things before anyone understood their pros and cons. We should shut these down and start building more nuclear power

That is all we see.

The enviros protest:






Natural gas

That is why the warmers are so stuck on taxation. They have absolutely no plan. They just figure if they raise the cost for everyone in the US, the problem will fix itself. Plus taxation is the only thing the greenies won't protest. Oddly enough, taxation should be the first thing we protest and was the start of the protesting that made our fine country, but unfortunately the greenies have more than a few screws loose.

Otherwise, I love the idea of solar power and can't wait until they're cheap enough to make my money back placing on my house. What person would not love being off the grid. It just needs to be inexpensive. I would love to have an electric car, but not at $50K. I am not against any of these great ideas. I am only against going broke paying for them.

A sure sign that solar power is finally economical, is that environmentalists hate it too, just as they hate nuclear and hydro power.

Many are the devious ruses used by the Reptilian Illuminati in order to cover their tracks, on their quest to dominate the world by carbon taxing you. Be very alarmed and post at least five questions here per day. YA questions are like kryptonite to the Little Greenie Socialist extraterrestrial time travelers.

A Company puts up a Wind farm , The Eco nuts protest the

Power lines cutting across woods or a small forest.

You cannot please loons

This goes to show that America's policy of appeasement toward enviro-MENTAL-ists is wrongheaded. These people will never be satisfied no matter how low be bow to them. They don't want coal, they don't want natural gas, they don't want solar, they don't want nuclear, they don't even want hydroelectric which is the cleanest power source there is --- they want to shut America down.


There's just no telling what you'll see when you read WUWT, Breitbart, Newsmax, and the like.

Ooh, almost as good as a girl fight....
