> What's the most amusing basic science error you've seen a denialist make?

What's the most amusing basic science error you've seen a denialist make?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1- Kano said the heat is due to atmospheric pressure, not greenhouse gases. Refuses to believe a greenhouse effect is responsible for 900F temp on Venus.

2- MAXX tiny % of CO2 argument. By that logic, the Sun has little influence because it's almost 100Million miles away.

3 "The climate has always changed" so people cannot influence it. By that logic, humans cannot start forest fires either.

It's more amusing to see "ALARMISTS" make unsubstantiated claims and/or predictions based on higher levels of atmospheric CO2 that never happen!

The only "direct correlation" they can come up with is CO2 levels, yet solar output/input doesn't seem to change things nor does anything else except CO2 levels.

What has that "warming" been doing for the past 500 years or even 10,000 years that science has absolutely no clue about? Let's try the past 17 years and 10 months?

Is Global Warming (a natural global warming trend) the only thing that alarmists have to go on?

What is that "direct effect" that you are so concerned about? It can't be CO2 because there isn't any direct effect!! It's logarithmic! Remember? .... yet science and media keep telling everyone that it is a "direct effect".

You'll figure it out sooner or later. "Preponderant" evidence is the most laughable part of alarmist's evidence.

If there were a way to put five stars on a question, this one deserves it.

Sagebrush would surely have some of top ten in any comprehensive listing. Someone should catalog his idiocies before he wises up and hides his answers. Denialist howlers outnumber those of realists at least tenfold here at YA, but there was once a poster named Bruce -much enamored of earthquakes and tsunamis- who bucked the trend briefly. Billy had some good ones too, but least his anti-science had a somewhat consistent basis: all science is just an illusion concocted by the Reptilians. I haven't really addressed the question here with concrete linked-to examples but there are tons for anyone able to take the time and do some digging.

Okay. Here is a recent example of one of Sagebrush's 1000+ "best answers," though more pitiful than amusing:


Q: "Is the Sun responsible for the planets heat..."

A: "As I have been saying all along, "It is the SUN!" There hasn't been one shred of scientific evidence to the contrary."

Though I suppose one could try to weasel out by pretending that the question is about historic climate rather than the global climate change of the last half century.

What's the most amusing basic science error you've seen a denialist make?

It is amusing how denialist always assume that proponents of global warming are rational and open minded. They can be very educated and intelligent, but lack the ability to accept the idea that maybe they are wrong about global warming, and that AGW is a carbon credit hoax.

From wikipedia:

On December 2, 2009, the Cornwall Alliance issued a statement called "An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming", in which they declare,

We believe Earth and its ecosystems – created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.

Signed by Richard Lindzen, Joe D'Aleo, Roy Spencer, and Davis Legates, among others.

Sagebrush once told us that the poles were colder because they were farther from the sun. Others try to tell us that gases under high pressure are warmer than gases under low pressure.

It was forty degrees in the mid west in July this year after one of the coldest winter in the us in forty years

Do you by any chance use heather as one of your many nom de plumes?


When i saw the above question I immediately recognized the mobius strip logic used by you & your fellow travelers on this GW site.

"It appears meat eating didn't occur until after the flood (cf Gen 1:30; 9:3), therefore it is entirely likely that T-Rexes were initially herbivores."

"It's possible that the people in the Noahic times were manipulating the genetics of animals and created some of what we call dinosaurs."


A claim that volcanoes released more gases in a year than human industry ever had.

Some of the things that skeptics, "skeptics", and denialists say here are, well, at least within shouting distance of real science. They are, at worst, things scientists used to believe a couple of decades ago.

And then there are the things that are just flat-out wrong.

Using actual quotes or links, please, what's the most amusing science error or incoherence you've seen here? I'm not looking for the conspiracy theories or the like, just places where denialists are trying to talk about science and failing miserably. You can include several, if you find more than one gem.

Al Gore saying the temperature of the Earth a few miles down is millions of degrees kelvin.


Many people have found it in different way so it have not actual meaning.

My favorite is the laws of physics were different a few thousand years ago - since no one was there to test them at the time.

Therefore the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Some of the things they say about carbon dioxide, as if climatologists and realists didn't even know about the biological role and chemistry of carbon dioxide, such as

1. Carbon dioxide is plant food. And so is raw sewage.

2. Carbon dioxide is natural. So is hydrogen sulfide.


3. Carbon dioxide lagged temperature. (Usually expressed in present tense by denialists.) Of course, just as carbon dioxide is not the only influence on temperature =/= carbon dioxide has no influence on temperature, SUVs not being the only source of carbon dioxide =/= SUVs are not a source of carbon dioxide.

Is it OK to point out REALLY DUMB THINGS said by Alarmists Chem? (I'm sure you don't mind)

One of my favorite REALLY DUMB THINGS that Alarmists are saying even to this day is that the "missing heat' is hiding at the bottom of the deep blue oceans --- do you have any idea how dumb that is? Alarmists don't seem to mind defying and/or ignoring the laws of physics to try and prop-up their man-made Global Warming scam.

Then there is the classic --- "Children just aren't going to know what snow is," anymore, or something to that affect. And that was said by Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia. How dumb is that? http://www.independent.co.uk/environment...

I could fill the page with really dumb things said by Alarmists, but I'm not going to bother.

Just try to keep in mind that skeptics are smarter on science than Warmists.



Trying to discuss true science with a greenie.