> What's the main reason for the media ignoring that this June has been the hottest on record?

What's the main reason for the media ignoring that this June has been the hottest on record?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
One it was reported how do you think you know about it in the first place. Just look around you this winter lakes that would freeze over and you could ice skate on no longer freeze that hard any more. Swamps that held water are drying up now. In the winter the snow no longer last all winter long. Now what falls in November is gone by December, the snow does not stick around like it use too. Also the snow is a wet snow were in the 1960's it was a dry snow. And History shows us that climate change has happened to this world several times before, only difference is now we are seeing it and adding to the problem with our carbon foot prints all over the place. Can we stop it? I for one think not.But we as a race should try any way!

The media does talk about it. Of course it is your choice of media that matters. I look at news releases from NOAA, NASA and so on.

ms manners: Yeah I guess the fact that the record only goes back since approximately 1880 means that the world is not warming right? Seriously, this is the type of people I talk with on a daily basis.

Everyone knows that that the globe is warming, so new records are not news.

Oh, a few people are trapped in a Fox News Universe with an imaginary "reality", and think thedata is fake.

Because the record only goes back a hundred years or so.

Tell me how hot June was ten thousand years ago.

What do you intend to do about the weather. Move somewhere cold.

Because the right wing interest groups have berated the media into not reporting on the climate.

Because it makes the media more money to sell the controversy than to shut it down.

Media Matters, pfft.

What do you intend to do about the weather. Move somewhere cold.

A plane crash war in Gaza all more important.

On The Hottest June On Record, Most Media Missed This Key Context

The globe recently experienced the hottest June on record, fitting in with the trend of global warming. Yet several top media outlets reported on the announcement without mentioning climate change at all.
