> What is the relationship between capitalism and climate change?

What is the relationship between capitalism and climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hello Antonis,

I’m not so sure that you could define a relationship between capitalism and climate change per-se. Most of the economies of the world are capitalistic (80% according to the CIA World Factbook) including those that contribute significantly or hardly at all to climate change.

Some are more capitalistic than others with the top five being Germany, the United States, China, India and Japan. In terms of per capita CO2 emissions they respectively rank as 38th, 12th, 55th, 133rd and 39th out of the 214 countries in the world. Whilst 55th in terms of per capita emissions, China is the country with the highest total CO2 emissions.

Where there is a much clearer relationship with climate change would be in respect of the size of the economy (capitalistic or otherwise) and the level of consumerism within a country.

A wealthy nation consumes far more products and services than the poorer nations, they tend to import a lot more and the agricultural and manufacturing processes are far more intensive, as are the primary industries such as mineral extraction. All of this means far greater production of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

In addition, the wealthier nations consume larger quantities of electricity, natural gas and petroleum (and derivatives), all of which are very significant sources of CO2.

In general, rich countries and rich people will have a much larger carbon footprint than poorer ones, whether they’re capitalists or not is much less significant.

No necessary connection at all. Historically, however, the rise of capitalism is associated with the industrial revolution which was based on burning fossil fuels, and that, in turn, has been the main cause of anthropogenic climate change.

None. Communists have contributed as much to climate change as capitalists. It is not politics that is the cause, it is technology.

Fat cats don't want to clean up. They only care about how much money they have, regardless of how their industries affect others. Money comes before people. They worry about only themselves today. They are disregarding what is best for everyone else in the future

Capitalism promotes clean healthy environments. Especially developed western capitalist countries. The most polluting countries in the world are developing industrialized countries and 3rd world impoverished countries.

THEY HATE capitalism

To blame some in the IPCC are communist