> How would a country reduce its co2 emissions?

How would a country reduce its co2 emissions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I was just wondering, if they closed down their factories would have unemployment, lack of goods, etc. What practical things could we do??

CO2 produces very little warming, it is calculated 3.7 watts per sq meter, for a doubling of CO2 this equates to about 1 degree C, climate scientists think the warming will be through increased water vapor (clausias clapeyron equation) however it is not happening as water vapor also has negative feedbacks

We could however plants more trees that could solve the problem and create more jobs, but the government doesn't want that because they would miss out on taxes.

Practical thing would be to develop energy that does not produce so much CO2. The vast majority of emissions are coming from China India and the rest of the developing world. You are correct that more unemployment will be caused by attempts to shut down factories or otherwise increase the cost of energy. That is why the developing world is not interested in instituting such taxes.

About 1/3 of CO2 production in the U.S. comes from transportation and home energy use. We're spending money to buy this. Improved efficiency in transportation, home insulation and appliances thus decreases carbon output and saves money. Home solar energy use for electricity and heating also is a win-win at the individual level, no industrial closings required.

The whole CO2 thing is fake science intended to get us all paying "carbon taxes" for no good reason.

I mean... really... CO2 is what we breathe OUT but plants breathe in, while plants breathe out O2 and we breathe that in.

You want something practical? Plant more trees!

Abort and incinerate as many babies as possible. Most AGW cultists agree that overpopulation is a significant factor for causing climate change. They believe each new human causes a significant carbon footprint throughout its lifetime which could be eliminated before birth. AGW cultists believe that abortion as birth control is an absolute necessity to control the population thus a major factor in controlling climate change. In 2009 the Chinese government spearheaded a campaign for a worldwide implementation of their 1 child per couple law at the climate summit in Copenhagen.


Also, many AGW cultists agree that renewable sources for energy are required to sustain or reduce the carbon that is being added into the global climate system. A net carbon neutrality has been achieved using one source of energy to heat hospitals in the US. The incineration of aborted babies.


CO2 tax

plant trees

using alternative fuel

minimum use of fossil fuel

spread awareness among people how to reduce global warming

using 4R-reduce,recycle,reuse,recover

yes , you are right , but all the people should work together for it, not only by government policy , everyone should do something in their daily life.

Something practical..Well, make every place, vehicle and establishments "Eco-friendly" .

I was just wondering, if they closed down their factories would have unemployment, lack of goods, etc. What practical things could we do??