> What evidence would it take for you (personally) to stop denying climate change?

What evidence would it take for you (personally) to stop denying climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This is an irrelevant question for 99% of deniers who NEVER STOP denying, but just change the FORM of their denial following some trajectory such as:

1) Denying that global climate change can happen (I just shoveled it off my driveway, therefore it's a hoax).

2) Denying that it is happening now


3) Denying that current global climate change is mostly human-caused

4) Denying that human-caused global climate change (AGW) has likely seriously negative long term effects on the global economy

5) Denying that we can doing anything about AGW or its effects

6) Denying that they ever espoused the denials of 1-5

(Each of these denial stages often also involves denial of having ever been at prior stages of denial).

The "evidence" in support of anti-science denial also can change after it is rebutted, and each "new" set of "evidence" ( recycled endlessly from pre-fab lists, see, for instance: http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument... ) is almost always presented while ignoring or outright denying prior presented "evidence" that contradicts the current anti-science trick of the week.

History of the science that is denied:


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There are so many factors in determining the role of humans in climate change. If you are looking at average high and low temperatures for the past decade than we are definitely warmer. The 70"s and the 80's produced some of the coldest and snowiest times in recorded history. If you google time magazine climate change you will see that we have been in scares for both global warming and cooling in the past 100 years. The sun is also going through cycles that we do not control. These cycles bring more warm weather, cold spells, as well as satellite disruptions.

So, what is the state we are in now? i recycle as much as I can and try to minimize my strain on resources. Its actually cheaper and also the right thing to do. Are we screwed as people like Al Gore insist.... I don't think so. The earth is changing as it has before humans were even here. We are using resources and killing off habitats for species at an alarming rate. Do the right thing and recycle what you can, get fuel efficient appliances and vehicles and you will be doing the best you can. if the solar cycles and continental drift changes the climate you have done the best you can and it is beyond your control,

When 50% of the disasters that have been forecast come about.

When the warmers stop needing half truth and deception in their argument.

When I look out of the window and see the difference in the weather.

When I go to the seaside and see the water level any higher than it was 60 years ago.

When the official met office figures don't need massaging to show the warming.

Just because we are not all climate scientists does not mean we are easily deluded fools.

When they can first define it legally or scientifically. Then prove that the facts lived up to the definition.

In my high school Geometry class we had to prove that a square was a square. The correct answer entailed two pages of logic. Climate Change, although a much more complex issue, does not have nearly as much scrutiny. I believe the definition of Climate Change by the ultimate authority, the UN-IPCC itself, merely states, "Climate Change is a change in climate."

Wow! And we are pouring billions of dollars down the rat hole of Climate Change based on a flimsy slipshod definition like this. A definition that even a conscientious third grade school teacher wouldn't accept?

Quote by Tom McElmurry, meteorologist, former tornado forecaster in Severe Weather Service: “Governmental officials are currently casting trillions down huge rat hole to solve a problem which doesn’t exist....Packs of rats wait in that [rat] hole to reap trillions coming down it to fill advocates pockets....The money we are about to spend on drastically reducing carbon dioxide will line the pockets of the environmentalists....some politicians are standing in line to fill their pockets with kick back money for large grants to the environmental experts....In case you haven’t noticed, it is an expanding profit-making industry, growing in proportion to the horror warnings by government officials and former vice-presidents.”

a chart that tells us over time how the climate has moved physically and how temps differ than like 200 years ago

When the weather randomly fluctuates dramatically and instead of rainy days in the summer there are snow storms

Once a legislator in Louisiana decided to make a law that pi = 22/7.

Science deals with testable predictions, not opinions.

Leave it to the experts. Goddamn I don't want you to diagnose my disease, I want the doctor to. Oh. But doctors get paid when you are sick. Therefore cancer is a huge conspiracy by the doctors!

I don't deny that the climate changes.

When earths temperature (as measured by hadcrut) follows Hansen's A or B model.

No amount of evidence is going to convince a denier, they would just deny the evidence.

I will only stop denying once the average temperature is four degrees (celsius) hotter than now, but I have a friend who says he will stop when it gets to three. I also know someone who says they will never stop, although he once said that maybe he would if both icecaps were totally gone. Where is your personal limit?

being a fan of science all my life i don't give into conservative propaganda
