> What actions, if any, has India taken to at least start to address climate change?

What actions, if any, has India taken to at least start to address climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
India is trying to boost the manufacturing sector so as to boost its economy. I think environmental problems are being neglected since focus is only being put on the growth of the country.

However, India does takes steps to reduce environmental problems. The compulsory use of CNG engines for Auto Richshaws in the country's capital is an example. Cars need to pass the pollution check in order to move on the roads is another example.

The climate will change with or without the influence of India or any other country. Did the human race have any influence on previous eras of extreme climate change? No is the only reasonable answer. Yet there have been ice ages after ice ages ad infinitum. What caused them to happen? The clilmate changed is the only answer. Why did it change? ...........................?????????????...

India believes that US dollars given to them will sure fix the problem

Talk talk talk, India agrees with climate policies as long as it is not binding (political speak, for we will say what you want us to say, but we will do what we see fit)


"India agreed to quantify its efforts to mitigate climate change. Ramesh said India would reduce emissions by "a broadly indicative number," although the reductions would still not be bound by international law. "