> What 2 Factors Influence Edmonton's Climate?

What 2 Factors Influence Edmonton's Climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Out of these options which 2 mainly affect Edmontons Climate


Ocean Current




Near water

OK, your question about Toronto makes more sense now. Latitude and elevation.

For Toronto I would put in near water.

Latitude and elevation

The Sun.

Factors influcing climate change

The temperature of earth as a whole is determined by the balance between incoming and outgoing energy. Climate change arises largely from changes to the earth’s heat balance. Many factors can influence this―both natural processes and ANTHROPOGENIC (which means human-made) processes. It is the impacts from anthropogenic processes, through the enhanced greenhouse effect, which are likely to be causing contemporary climate change, which in turn could bring about considerable environmental, social and economic disruption if adequate mitigation and adaptation measures are not implemented.

Factors influencing earth's climate

Factors influencing earth's climate

As the diagram shows, the main factors influencing climate change are:

Extraterrestrial factors, such as variations in the sun's activity and slow changes in the earth's orbit and tilt of its axis.

The main influence within earth is volcanism. Slow drift of continents and mountain building also influence climate, but this occurs only over millions of years, so can be considered constant over time scales of decades to centuries.

Factors operating on the earth’s surface include the reflectivity or ALBEDO of the surface; the amount of heat in the oceans and the atmosphere and the level of heat exchange between them; and the influence of land vegetation on the composition and heat balance of the atmosphere.

Atmospheric factors include the composition of the atmosphere and its reflectivity, from the surface of the earth to the STRATOSPHERE.

Many of these factors are inter-related, and atmospheric, ocean and land interactions can involve complex FEEDBACK MECHANISMS that can either enhance or dampen changes to the climate system.

The natural influences on the climate system have caused variations in the earth's climate over hundreds of thousands of years, as well as on shorter timescales of decades. Many of these processes are unaffected by human activity, including the extraterrestrial factors and factors associated with the earth's tectonic activity. Exchange of heat and gases between the earth's atmosphere and its oceans and land vegetation are also natural influences on the climate system, but these processes are now being affected by human activities to various degrees. For example, the presence and composition of the earth's atmosphere produces a natural greenhouse effect. The atmosphere contains gases such as water vapour and carbon dioxide that are relatively transparent to the sun's shortwave radiation, but absorb some of the longwave radiation that is re-radiated from the earth's surface. This causes the average temperature on earth to be about 33°C warmer than it would be if there were no atmospheric 'blanket'. As discussed below, changes to atmospheric composition through human activity is the main factor thought to be causing the climate to shift from its natural state.

There is increasing evidence of human influences on the climate system. Human activities are directly influencing the composition of the atmosphere, by increasing the concentration of the naturally occurring greenhouse gases and by adding new ones. We are also changing the reflectivity over parts of the earth's surface.

Increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is by far the most influential amongst the factors forcing contemporary climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions from human activity derive mainly from combustion of fossil fuels, with additional significant contributions from industrial processes, agriculture, and land use change. Changes in levels of black carbon particulates, snow albedo, and atmospheric pollutants have small additional impacts on global warming. Other factors which offset these effects are cloud albedo, aerosols, land albedo change, and, periodically, dust from volcanic eruptions. The estimated relative contribution of these factors to changes in radiative forcing since 1850 are illustrated in the figure below. A positive change represents an enhancement of the greenhouse effect, while a negative change reduces the greenhouse effect.

Out of these options which 2 mainly affect Edmontons Climate


Ocean Current




Near water