> The Global Average Temperature was only 0.2C above the established global average temp in 2008. T or F?

The Global Average Temperature was only 0.2C above the established global average temp in 2008. T or F?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here is a graph presented by a 'climate realist' poster here : http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/gistemp/from:1995/to:2012/plot/gistemp/from:1995/to:2012/trend

That was just one monthly point, Jan 2008 is .23C above the 1951-1980 baseline. Of course, even this number is changing from month to month. The past comes alive at NASA.

Hey Dook, work on your math skills. Might help you learn something about global warming. 4 hits only raising someones batting average by .005 is highly unusual. And of course you said .5% which means something else.

I'm sorry; it is not clear what you are asking.

Edit; I'm reading that as the trend line starting at +0.42C in 1995 rising to +0.64C by 2012. These are the temperatures above the average for the base line period which I assume was 1951 to 1980.

It doesn't really matter which baseline is chosen; the 20th century average, for example, would be equally valid The numbers would be a little different, but the slope would be the same.

Edit 2: Perhaps it would be helpful to view CR's Graph in the light of the baseline period.


Yes, temps might oscillate around the mean; no one is questioning that, but the mean is now higher. Between '51 and '80, temps were below the baseline 1/2 of the time, now they are never below it.

Why has the mean risen by over 0.5C? That's the important question; it would be virtually impossible for this to be a result of chance or instrumental error.

The graph is exaggerated in that it uses decimal places degrees C which is why you see so much oscillation.

Now they say earths average temperature is 15C so if they plotted the graph on the scale of 0 to 30C putting the average in the center of the graph, all you would see would an unimpressive flat line with a few very minor wiggles, which how it is in real life.

That's called weather.

Excess heat energy doesn't stay in the atmosphere. Energy moves rapidly from hot to cold. The engine in your car doesn't burn up because it transfers its heat to the fluid in your car's radiator and the incoming cooler air carries it away. Atmospheric heat currently goes to melt ice and warm seawater. Even at that the atmosphere has warmed slightly, but as noted not very much. It won't heat up for a while, not as long as the planets heat sink of ice and seawater absorbs the added heat increment.

What a joke that graph is to anyone that knows graphs. It clearly shows that it has been flat (well all over the place but generally trendless). I noticed that you can change the interval, e.g from 1998 onward but the trend line doesn't change. The reason is because the graph is meant to fool the gullible and it worked perfectly. If it allowed the trend line to also change in the new interval, the trend line would flatten and that would provide evidence that they wouldn't want their faithful to see.

Oh yeah. True

0.22 degrees warmer in 5 years? 2.2 degrees warmer in 50 years? 2.2 degrees C would drown NYC, Miami, New Orleans, London, most of Holland, Maldives,

If a batter goes 4 for 4 in a major league baseball game in September, that will raise his season batting average by less than 0.5%. Does this mean that going 4 for 4 was just an average night for him, or that baseball is a Inningist or Pastimoner hoax?


Actually combined land and ocean temp for 2008 was 0.49 C above the 20rg century avg, making it at the time the 9th warmest on record http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/200...

Do you ever have any real scientific links or all they all blogs and WWWT

Here is a graph presented by a 'climate realist' poster here : http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/gistemp/from:1995/to:2012/plot/gistemp/from:1995/to:2012/trend