> Will global warming get better or worse?

Will global warming get better or worse?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, it will now swallow any cities, except possibly ones that are currently very low lying, with people in charge that are not capable of adapting to a few mm per year of sea level rise.

As it is perfectly natural, caused by the interaction of the Earths orbit, gravitational pull of the other planets and tectonic movements, it will get bot better and worse. The claims you mention are, as you say are C***!

As an example of tectonic causes see:


The same is happening under the Arctic ice cap, that's why it is occasionally melting more at some times than others.

The only danger to Australia cities is a tsunami, if there is a giant quake around the ring of fire, or especially off the coast of Chile or North America..

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. There's no reason to prepare for more than a 3 mm ocean rise per year. Now, things within thirty centimeters elevation of sea level might, unless conditions change, be affected in the next century. If that's you, adapt. Otherwise, do more productive things with your resources.

the sea level rise is slow- a few feet at most over the next 100's of years. There is not much that can stop that. I'd be more worried about changed weather patterns, like droughts and floods.

as for swallowing cities, take the media and newspapers with a grain of salt- they are in the business of sensational headlines.

it will get worse in some places. Even the Sahara was not always a desert- things change.

There is no man-made Global Warming and there is no unusual sea level rise. What you saw was propaganda produced by the grant seeking climate alarmist that have been bilking the public with the man-made Global Warming scam for about 30 years.

Ignore it. It's garbage.

Listen to the honest scientist --- the ones that are not stealing your tax dollars.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Alph this might well be the first 'skeptical' post I've seen from someone that regularly posts the other way.

If taxpayer funding (welfare) for climate (so-called) 'scientists who are willing to sell their souls to the alarmist industry, is threatened, then "global warming" will get worse.

It's all about the money......NOT the make-believe, catastrophic, climate threat.

Trust me.....if all of the taxpayer handouts for climate research were to dry up overnight, the Climate-cause dependents would scurry to find another 'catastrophic' cause for which they can slurp up more taxpayer dollars.
