> What happens if our world climate changes by 1 °C?

What happens if our world climate changes by 1 °C?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

(Flashback to the end of the Little Ice Age) John: "What happens if our world climate warms by 1 degree?" George: "Well, we will get better crops of grain because the warm seasons will be a little longer." It did, and we do! Fewer people (per capita) die in weather-related tragedies. There is more commerce and better health. Temperate zones pushed further into upper latitudes. Many positive effects, though not all positive. Climate is complex. It is also minimally affected by humans.

If our world cools by one degree? Then we are back to the Little Ice Age. Ice skating on the Mississippi and the Thames. Growing glaciers. Reductions in the numbers of polar bears. However, it's not our call. The survivors are the ones that adapt. The complainers just annoy everybody else.

That's been the natural fluctuation for the past 1200 years from the established mean temperature. It establishes why there was a Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and a Little Ice Age (LIA). Our current warming period is well within the natural climate variability and is very close to the temperatures of the MWP. The difference between the peak high temperatures of the MWP and the low cold temperature of the LIA is around 5C in some areas. You have 2 recent periods to compare with.

"In the early 1990s, Japanese scientists Hiroyuki Kitagawa and Eiji Matsumoto extracted eleven tree ring cores from cedars on the South Pacific southern Japanese island of Yakushima. The cores contained tree-rings going back some 2000 years. The researchers determined the carbon 13 isotope values and found the delta-13-C values fluctuated in a characteristic manner"


If you are an alarmists, everything bad under the sun will happen including apparently that it will also get colder. If you are generally a sane and logical person, you will probably say that on average a day that was going to be 20 degrees C will end up being a balmy 21 degrees. What really should happen with greenhouse gases is that they should warm up the colder days and night temperatures more than the summer and day temperatures but that isn't particularly alarming so most alarmists steer far from mentioning that factoid.

It has and we are all still here. I am 72 years old. Some people say that the earth has been heating at 1.5 degree C per century. That equates out to about 1 degree in my lifetime. I have noticed no changes. The most drastic changes I have noticed are due to age and government, nothing climate related.

Not much, in times past our earth has been much hotter than now, generally humans prosper when the climate is warmer, and suffer when the climate cools.

What the changes would be, will be hard to say, some people are bound to tell you that deserts will get bigger and we will have floods, and sea level will rise, but they don't really know, they just want spread doom and gloom.

this is 1C averaged over the entire planet, that is a lot of energy that is going somewhere- heating oceans and providing more energy to hurricanes, melting/changing arctic ice cover with changes to weather patters and jet streams.

consider that the last ice age was only 5C cooler than today, again an average over the planet.

Well that is about what we have had so far 0.8c is almost 1c, what we have seen so far is a rise in sea level of about 8in 1rd of that in just the last 23 years.


As we warm further the likely outcome is an increase in the rate of melt in glaciers which at the moment contribute ~50% of current sea level rise (the other 50% is from thermal expansion) thermal expansion will continue but at a steady rate but glacial ice tend to accelerate as it melts you get water flowing on it's surface this creates melt holes that let flowing water reach the base of the glacier and this accelerates the rate of flow and melt. In a world 2-4c warmer we could see a rise in sea level of 1-2m by the end of the century.

When they are not pretending it's not happening, the denier line is often it's nicer when it's warmer they will point to our ancestors (as kano does) of course they fail to mention that at the time referred to our ancestors where hunter gatherers who moved about at will following their food source. If sea levels rose (over generations) they just moved somewhere else.

Before the end of the last ice age my home Tasmania was connected to Australia by a land bridge, Aboriginals walked here but then where trapped as sea level rose ~120m.

Today sea level rise will be nothing like that much, 1-2m by the end of the century, but by the same token most of us do not live in movable villages (apologies to those who live in campers) we live in houses or multistory apartments and cities with high rise buildings and massive infrastructure not things that can either be easily moved cities ports roads.

Deniers also tell us that sea level has never stopped rising since the end of the last ice age and this is simply not true, sea level rose strongly from ~19,000 years ago till about 8000 thousand years ago.


Slowing markedly ~7000 years ago and more so about 4000 years ago all but stopping about 2000 years ago. The current rate of sea level rise (3.16mm) is on the scale of the above a return to a rise of 3.16m per thousand years if you look at the above the last of the sea level rise was between 7 and 4 thousand years, sea level rose ~2m in 4 thousand years at the current rate sea level over the same period would rise ~12.5m and we are likely to see the rate of rise increase as the planet continues to warm.

The current rate 3.16mm is what happens with about 1c of temperature rise, what will happen when the rise is 2c or 3c or 4c is only going to be worse.

Sage offers the usual fiction he claims to be 72 yet has the hostility and wit of a teen

he claims "Some people say that the earth has been heating at 1.5 degree C per century"

When the science shows the planet has warmed by 0.8c in just the last century.

There is no link to the "some people' because it's something he just made up and those things he claim to have not noticed in his 75 years do they include the well documented longer growing season now weeks longer than it was in the claimed early part of sages claimed age.


This is the same lame excuse kano tries to use when he claims intimate knowledge of a beach in the U.K. (for 50 years) and (he claims) no rise in sea level, do you see a similarity in the fibs forming. Of course kano claims this while also claiming to have lived in the Philippines for many years and Kuwait for many years before that (the fibs mount) of course he claims this to try and show sea level has not risen while actual real world data shows global sea level has risen 8in.


The change sage says he has not noticed has been noticed by the Arctic sea ice, which since the late 70's has dropped in extent dramatically


Denial is a joke and one fast running out of time, built on a house of cards made up of blog fantasy and YouTube videos, hence the hostility when you bring up sources even they realize that they have no real sources.


Idk honestly but now I'm curious about that to lol

