> Is Climate Change a boom or a bust?

Is Climate Change a boom or a bust?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

OFA: Organization for Action.

I think they should just call it OFFAL or maybe AWFUL.

I will go with bust for now.

How embarrassing for them. It won't stop them though. Saul Alinsky wouldn't hear of it.

Climates always have and always will change. Nothing mankind has done or could do at this point in it evolution make it change. AGW rebranded as climate change has been proven to be nothing more than a religious ideology designed to use the environment as a means to force social change that conforms to the idealism of fundamentalist fanatics. Nothing more than that.

No one has ever gone broke underestimating the American People. People love to buy any kind of snake oil being sold. Always have, always will. Nothing you can say to them will ruin their faith. Unfortunately I won't be around to laugh when they find out they've been taken. I would love to see the look on their faces.

It would be nice if the science could check and re-check itself instead jumping to a foregone conclusion.

Checking climate models with actual satellite data (RSS data sets) still seems to be problematic. (... or did Spencer finally reconcile with the alarmists data?)

From your link : "... The polling is consistent: global warming – or climate change, or whatever the latest buzzword is/will be – is at the bottom of any list of things that people worry about, or prioritize. ..."

Beating a dead horse. 97 percent of scientists still think it's alive. It flinches a little every once in a while, and its riders (it had an unusually large number of riders) are still spurred and ready to ride. Giddayup! Poor thing.

And here you go again. This rag is a project of the American Center for Freedom. This is how they define themselves "The Center For American Freedom is a conservative not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through education, ideas, and action. We are creating a long-term, conservative vision for America—a vision that policy makers, thought-leaders, and activists can use to shape the national debate and pass laws that make a difference." This is direct from their site." Totally biased news once again

climate change a bust because if climate change it effect warmer waters in the shallow oceans contributed to the death of about a quarter of the world.

Looks like there might be an antidote for all this brainwashing.

The link has nothing to do with the question. "Try" again.

No contest...a BUST!!!



This should tell you.

politics that way --->