> Any village in Bangladesh not having electricity ?

Any village in Bangladesh not having electricity ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
yes ,there is about 30,000 of the 80,000 Bangladesh have no electricity

Many villages in many countries do not have electricity. Millions of lives are cut short due to lack of electricity. This is why I am so opposed to the current state of climate change rhetoric.

I think we should be reducing our CO2 output, but the research shows very little to no change in global temperature (0.8 degrees over the last 100 year) crop production (has been increasing not decreasing), droughts (no change over last 60 years), hurricanes, etc.

If you want any of the research backing up any of the claims I make, just ask.

So as you can see we have no reason to believe that climate change is actually killing people and MOST CERTAINLY not to the extent of lack of electricity.

THEREFORE if we are going to move towards using less fossil fuels, then our move should be done with the knowledge that lives are on the line for making stupid and costly decisions. Increasing the cost on energy, for example, places electricity further out of the reach of those who need it.

So should we do nothing???

Of course not. But we are already doing many things. Look at solar power. It has been reduce in price consistently for many years. Soon it will begin to cost less than coal power and certianly wil not require the large power plants to provide the energy.

Our efforts need to be spent not in making energy more expensive and less accessible, but in making clean energy more cost efficient. Not only is it silly to frighten ourselves with false ideas of some impending climate apocalypse, but the "solutions" driven from such fear are ulimately more costly in both money and lives.

We need informed decisions not panicked non-solutions.


there is problem of water resources.