> The war on global warming has placed many families working in the coal industry on welfare -?

The war on global warming has placed many families working in the coal industry on welfare -?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Like coal companies did anything for the workers. As I recall there's a jail cell with a hand print. "As God is my witness my handprint will stay here till they admit we were innocent." The print in the cell is now a museum, it's been scrubbed washed panted over and it's still there. Chemical analysis states there is no print but it shows on photograph and it's seen by human eyes. It's a paranormal thing you can see yourself. Those workers were executed for trying to negotiate a better deal for the workers.

The smokey mountains are not mist, that's smoke cause the coal in them is burning to this day. The workers wanted a union, the leaders were packed in the worst mine, worst conditions, caved in and burnt. Some say they can't beleave the company set that fire on purpose. I do.

Tell those families about Joe salatin, Michael reanolds. Screw the coal companies and their pet governments welfare. Mass produce the means of production. Oh it'll save the planet as a byproduct.as well.

How about all the families dependent on welfare and disability income from coal industry caused illnesses and deaths? Medical bills are the largest cause of individual bankruptcies in the U.S, and a huge cost in entitlement programs. Coal industry caused costs that YOU pay for.

Many of these plants are at the end of their intended service life, it's simply that they are being replaced with natural gas plants. This has more to do with the deregulation of the utilities allowing more costs to be passed to the consumer than it has to do with restrictions on coal as now the utilities have options other than keeping costs low.

Now they are available to get jobs installing insulation in the homes of the thousands of people alive because they were not killed by pollution from coal burning.

BS. More coal workers are put out of jobs due to mechanization.

Btw, where did typewriter makers workers go?

Because of new stricter laws for the war on global warming, many coal companies are shutting down leaving many workers out of a job. Do you believe more people should be placed on welfare for the good of the planet? How many children would you put out on the streets in the name of the environment?