> Do these headlines leave you with any doubt that there is alarming Global Warming?

Do these headlines leave you with any doubt that there is alarming Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
here are some more of the same type of alarmist headlines going all the way back to 1890.


the more things change ,the more they stay the same. If theres no actual news happening we'll just make something up.


Is there any doubt cr is no more than 11yrs old at best. There are actually real reasons to trade in your hummer. Nobody has a problem with conservation and developing working alternatives for energy, this idiotic push to do it to save the planet is more destructive than the problem you think you might be solving.

The point is clear hear, 60 years from now we are going to still be listening to the same alarmist bs, and the same arguments from alarmist now will be used to discredit the anti-science liar deniers.

Yes, lots of doubt.

Grab some headlines from the 60's and 70's and you will see nothing but references to the coming Ice Age.

So what's your point. There is no perfect climate, it will get hot and it will get cold.

You can't in your short life think that that is all there is to the Earth's climate.

We may warm a few more degrees but there's nothing we can really do about it and if we think we can we may do something stupid and really screw it up.

Only this morning I saw on CNN a weather reporter showing doctored graphs on how climate change is causing extreme weather, if you say it often enough and long enough, people will believe and except it as fact, even though it is B.S.

Of course. In these times the elite class wish to make the average citizen feel responsible for global warming in order to limit people's rights and to tax them. In reality, if we are at all responsible for global warming then the responsibility is on BUSINESSES and regulation. The average citizens just participate with what's put in front of them. It's a bunch of crap. They decided in the 60s that the new way to control people is through this kind of propaganda.

Newspaper headlines???


the world does not function by headlines. yo could probably find just as many headlines on the science being wrong.

global warming exist on the foundation of science and measurements, not headlines.

"He who controls the Gold controls the message".

In response to AL:

I would hope that you understand that emotions are easy to manipulate through catastrophes. Giving people honest and balanced information is far from the media's concern. They make news to draw attention to themselves. Yahoo News was guilty just the other day when they reported that the ex-cop's body (the one that vowed to kill 40 cops) was identified when, in fact, they hadn't. They sensationalize things to gain readers and subscribers. They play and prey on emotions.

Oh! No! I almost traded in my Hummer^tm for a Smart Car. I am still kicking myself for that time when I bought fire insurance and my house didn't burn. And guess what they are wasting my tax money on a fire department, even though my house didn't burn.

skepticalnoscience debunks your headlines

1950: "Climate Change - World Is Warming"

1950: No Snow In New England Region Devastates Winter Recreation Business

1950: European Countries Finance Antarctica Research To Investigate Warming Earth

1950: Strange Atmospheric Events Affect World's Weather

1950: Hurricane Sweeps Along New England Coast - 60 MPH Winds, Mountainous Waves

1950: 1,000 Villages In Pakistan Destroyed By Flooding

1950: Cold Wind And Dust Storm Sweep Over Bombay, India

1950: Record Rain In Queensland, Australia

1950: Minnesota, N. Dakota & Nebraska Regions Swamped By Flooding

1950: Wild Bushfires Scorch 60 Square Miles of Colorado

1950: Pine Beetle Population In Idaho Forests "Building Up To Alarming Proportions"

1950: Floods In Brazil & Ecuador Take 150 Lives - Train Plunges Off Washed-Out Bridge

1950: Oregon Heat Wave Breaks Temperature Records

1950: Oklahoma's Dust Bowl Region Struck By New Drought

1950: Nine Die In Midwest Dust Storm

1950: 3rd Dust Storm This Year Strikes Wheat States

1950: Scientists Say Earth Warming And Glaciers Melting

1950: Great Appalachian Storm Wreaks Havoc On 22 States - Massive Rainfalls and Blizzard

1950: Eroding Beaches In Australia Due to Rapid Sea Level Rises

1950: Rapid Warming In Greenland - Sea Temperatures Up By Several Degrees

1950: Six Nations Send Scientists To Arctic To Investigate Glacier & Ice Cap Melting

1950: Scientist Says Sidney, Australia Climate Getting Hotter

1950: "The World's Weather Is Just Crazy"
