> Since we can see chemtrails, wouldn't creating of a drought using HAARP to depopulate Earth be more than conspiracy?

Since we can see chemtrails, wouldn't creating of a drought using HAARP to depopulate Earth be more than conspiracy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This is just a logical conclusion that independent scientist and other researchers of climate, like NOAA be investigating, or are they being told to keep quiet?

I am an independent scientist and climatological researcher and consultant, no-one has ever paid me to keep quiet about anything. If someone wants to pay me to not talk about something that doesn’t exist I’d be happy to accept.

The whole notion of chemtrails is flawed at every end and turn, I seriously can’t believe anyone accepts that they’re real.

What you see in the sky isn’t a chemtrail, it’s water vapour that’s condensed. It comes from the combustion reaction of burning aviation fuel and, in some circumstances, the pressure difference between parts of the plane (e.g. the wingtips of fast moving military jets).

HAARP has an array capable of 3600kW of RF power whereas total incoming solar irradiation is 1365W/m2. HAARP = 31,471,200W whereas heat energy from the Sun = 174,000,000,000,000,000W. The maximum warming achievable from HAARP, if it were run constantly and at maximum power would be 0.00000000615°C.

You seem to be an intelligent man, so you must know the answer to this one...Unless a person is actually IN ON a conspiracy, how can that person know if its real...or conspiracy? Logically...yes...it would make sense. BUT, that would mean that de-population is in place, and I think that would be something on a much grander scale. It would have to be quick for them, whomever they are, to get away with it.

They don't have to be told to keep quiet. They just know to do that. Jesus, these scientists aren't stupid. I mean, if you're working to enslave humans to use as a food source for evil alien reptilian overlords you don't go around shouting about it.

God damn I hate having to belabor the obvious like this.

You forgot about the biggest conspiracy of all, the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!

This is just a logical conclusion that independent scientist and other researchers of climate, like NOAA be investigating, or are they being told to keep quiet?