> Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis?

Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Does this peer-reviewed survey also show that there is no alarmist “consensus” among scientists?


We have people like Big Gryph and Jungle Jim still being confused about their own science and scientists. The IP CC now has a competitor. It's called the "NIP CC". It shows why "Global Warming" isn't happening. http://www.nipccreport.org/ and I think they agree with this link.

Good info Cyclops!


Mintie-boy - Here's some facts that most everyone knows but you seem to have trouble grasping :

1) CO2 has a 9% to 27% impact on "The Greenhouse Effect". Humans create less than 4% of the total CO2 at any one time which means humans impact the greenhouse effect by less than 1%

2) Climate science base their information on climate models which can't accurately account for cloud formation or even replicate the ocean heat effect. That's why they are always 100% wrong no matter how much information is fed into their machines.


This is a great answer by Angel:

"Just few centuries ago over 90% of the scientists were 100% sure that the Earth is not rotating. :)"


Big Gryph - Congress has been very clear about peer reviewed science and doesn't base decisions on them. It's written in the guidelines on policy making. Your peer reviewed system has obviously had no effect on convincing people because the science is skewed with misinformation. Keep using it at your own peril. Peer review science doesn't hold strong with the IP CC. Many scientists have quit contributing to the IP CC because it is too biased.


According to the many Government paid climate scientists through the U.S. and other countries, humans are unequivocally responsible for Global Warming. It's a 90% probability according to them. Unequivocally and 90% probability are 2 totally different terms. Knowing that humans contribute less than 1% of the total greenhouse effect and satellite data shows that we have been in a cooling period since 1998, we can conclude that the survey is correct. The 36% figure means that the consensus is dropping off. It use to be 97% only a month ago. LOL!

It shows that the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta selected someone to poll their members and that 70% of the respondents were engineers.


No, but it does show that you are either and idiot and/or a liar

There was a scientific and religous consensus that all the stars and planets revolved around the earth back in Galileo's day when he became a skeptic and was labled a heretic by the religous evangelicals. A consensus means very little when it is wrong. A problem AWG alarmists and AlGore will realize in the future.

Maybe the study asked the wrong scientists.

I find it difficult to think of engineers as scientists ... let alone climate scientists, but that is another matter.

I like this finding of that study too:

"The second largest group (24%) express a ‘nature is overwhelming’ frame. In their diagnostic framing, they believe that changes to the climate are natural, normal cycles of the Earth. Significantly, they are more likely to criticize others as unknowledgeable and to describe climate scientists and environmentalists as hysterical"

The 36% (largest group) who believe humans are having a net effect are also "less likely to use delegitimation strategies and are least likely to speak against others."

Note however that the 24% do not use science as their basis, it is largely "Humans are too insignificant to have an impact on nature" ... an opinion not supported by scientific background. Ironically engineers main job is to defy nature and impose human structures on the natural world.

Actually, it shows that petroleum workers in Canada have convinced themselves that there is no global warming. That is, they have come up with a way of defending their making a living producing something that ruins the earth. This is what the study was about: how "experts" can convince themselves that their lack of knowledge is not an impediment to their making a bad decision.

You did not actually read it.

You obviously didnt bother to read the paper or how the survey was "constructed"

Any other great insights you would like to share with us, Ace?

"Just few centuries ago over 90% of the scientists were 100% sure that the Earth is not rotating. :)

Total BS - you are seriously ignorant of science

Lesson 1 in Science: make sure you understand what a study you refer to actually is all about.

For that, the least one should do is actually read the whole darn thing AND understand it.

You obviously failed on both accounts.

According to your own link "Although there seems to be consensus that anthropogenic climate change presents a profound global challenge, policy makers and companies have opposed the regulations of GHG emissions."

Right, lets cut to the chase on this whole unscientific consensus drivel.

100% of people or scientists paid to study the problem of global warming agree it's a problem worthy of themselves being paid to study it, and no one on the wrong side of the politics will be paid.

Does this peer-reviewed survey also show that there is no alarmist “consensus” among scientists?


dont listen to anyone else. HUMAN BEINGS ARE THE DEATH-GODS ON THIS PLANET. they have started this industrial revolution and they are corroding this so called "earth". this planet is already a hell for the souls and we are making the surroundings even more miserable by global warming. WHAT TO DO IF PEOPLE DONT BELIEVE OR GET THIS PROPERLY?

Well these kind of surveys are really not be relied upon.

However I do believe more and more people are beginning to wonder if climate change is real, we are beginning to doubt all these alarmist predictions and media hype, when nothing much seems different.

I mean we don't have the 50 million climate refugees, we don't seem to have lost many Island to sea level rise, We don't seem to have millions dying of starvation, and it still gets cold/wet/hot/dry just like it always did. we don't have snow free winters as promised, what about extreme crop failures, deserts growing, nope it's just not happening.

Well this is not a climate science publication peer journal it appears to be an online source of publication. Not the same thing


The fossil fuels are simply carbon that used to be in circulation, how hot could it get?

Science has nothing to do with your copy-pasting things you are too ignorant to understand or too lazy to read.

Outside of their specialty scientists can be idiots

Just few centuries ago over 90% of the scientists were 100% sure that the Earth is not rotating. :)

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

― Stephen Hawking :)))