> Is there anything besides electricity generation,vehicles, and heating that contributes to climate change causing emissi

Is there anything besides electricity generation,vehicles, and heating that contributes to climate change causing emissi

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Every cow is roughly equivalent to a car in greenhouse gas emissions. A cow emits about 200 liters per day of methane, and methane is 23x as powerful a greenhouse gas as CO2. To correct some previous answers, cows emit methane primarily through belching, not farting. But all agriculture sources create only about 1/3 the emissions of either transportation or electricity production in the U.S.

Methane is also being released from the ground, especially from permafrost as it thaws. It is a positive feedback; that is global warming causes thawing of the permafrost which emits more greenhouse gas which increases global warming.

Another major factor that is not exactly an answer to your question is deforestation. It does not cause more "emission release" but it reduces the amount of CO2 that plant life absorbs and thereby increase CO2 in the atmosphere.

If we let the politicians free reign they would have everything as a threat to global warming. Ther is no AGW as history and data show.

Quote by Chris Folland of UK Meteorological Office: “The data don't matter. We're not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We're basing them upon the climate models.”

Also let us look at accurate history.


This is the longest continuous temperature recordkeeping that we can find and 0.87 degrees in 353 years in no way would or could be deemed catastrophic.

So all those influences that you mention and others that are not considered will not sway the temperature of the earth. Man does not have enough power. Let me put it to you rather crudely. If you would go down to the ocean and urinated into it, how much would the ocean rise? OK nothing noticeable, but that is not a fair comparison, you might say. Alright, get everyone in the US to go down to the ocean and urinate in it. Now how much would the ocean rise? I would suggest to you that more water would evaporate from the ocean by nature than all the additional human liquid added in the time it took for this event to occur. Man has very little influence on the environment as a whole and certainly does not have enough power to change a climate.

NO...because your "straw man" of global warming does not exist.

We've been seeing phenomena which are well within the range of normal climate variation, and are much less than what was seen, e.g., during the middle ages.

Cement production, which is basically heat, is a very large contributor.

Aluminum production uses quite a lot of electricity.

Permafrost melting is pretty serious, because there is considerable methane trapped in permafrost.

cow farts. they produce more methane than all the cars on the road.

CFCs. one pound of CFCs anhialates about 70,000 pounds of atmospheric ozone. cfcs used to be in everything from refrigerators, to aerosol deodorants. cloroflorocarbons also last at least a hundred years.. If the ozone layer was dispersed evenly around the earth it would only be 1/8 of an inch thick... that's why is so easily affected by CFCs. CFC is also hundreds of times more effective as greenhouse gas than CO2, and CO2 is no slouch itself.

Yes some people believe that the methane produce from bulls and cows are a cause of global warming from their poo and farting? As well as other farming things?

making cement.