> Is so-called "global warming" like the stock markets?

Is so-called "global warming" like the stock markets?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have learned the hard way that people have an innate urge to buy high and sell low. When you see stock prices go up, it is hard not to buy as you see stocks rising and rising. And so you buy. And then the stock price plummets and you instead of holding onto it because it is priced better, you sell. People clearly see climate that way IMO. In the 1970s many claimed the cooling trend would continue. In the 1990s they claimed the warming trend would continue. Now we are stuck with a stock market (global temps) that is flat. I think I might decide to sell if we don't start getting a return soon.

Dook claims I don't know what causes climate change. At least I know my limitations. What joke he is. He thinks CO2 is the only thing that causes climates to change. Dook doesn't know what causes climate to change or what caused it to not change much in the last 18 years. He just knows what leftist blogs tell him and he parrots it like a good useful idiot. He desperately wants validation that his AGW religion is based on something other than his politics so he goes on inane rants about Marxist conspiracies and reptilian moon bases trying to smear those who don't buy into his cult. Sadly, it just makes him look ridiculous.

In Denial La-La Land, yes. The stock market cannot be predicted, people involved sometimes make a ton of money, it requires some education or training to understand, JimZ who "doesn't know" what causes climate change, has learned that feedback loops can accelerate trends in the stock market, therefore the stock market is a Marxist Hoax.

Yeah sure it may so called by the stock-markets only.

UN Climate Summit: The dirty little secret about global warming Obama doesn't want you to know


Both can be described by the video in the following link.


Do people look at global warming like they do the stock market? Stock pickers jump on trends, if a stock goes from $200 up to $700, stock pickers will say that this increase will continue to $1200, but these predictions rarely come true. Do people see the climate in the same way since temps increased 0.8deg over the last 100 years, they believe they will continue to go up forever?