> Is global warming the humens fault?

Is global warming the humens fault?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is global warming, or rather, the tempreture has gone up the last years, but is it because of the humens or is it naturel?

Natural processes have caused some warming, but the parts that cannot be accounted for by the sun, currents, cloud cover, volcanoes and such other stuff is most likely made by humans.

The current warming period caused the end of the last ice age. Except for a relatively brief period cold period about 300 years ago, it has been warming since before the earliest historical records. It is really difficult to blame warming over 3000 years ago and more on heavy industry and auto emissions.

The tempreture has remained pretty steady in the last 18 years. I think we humens are not the cause of that pause. I tend to think it it may be all naturel, wie wie

It's natural.

Watch these, it's all explained by some of the world's leading experts.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

No. We don't have enough power to stop a tornado, let alone change Earth's temperature. It is laughable that the God who created this Earth and other planets would build a planet so flimsy that mere man could destroy it.

regardless of who's fault it is. humans are the ones who will have to face the consequence of it. So people have to do their part to stop it.

You it is but you are just becoming a nuisance poster

There is global warming, or rather, the tempreture has gone up the last years, but is it because of the humens or is it naturel?