> I looked in my spam trash can this morning, and the first one said "Enlarger pills 9 million users can't be wro

I looked in my spam trash can this morning, and the first one said "Enlarger pills 9 million users can't be wro

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Then it clicked, the similarity is amazing.

"climate change 97% of scientists can't be wrong"

Same scam different product , both snake oil

Now is perhaps a good time to unsubscribe from all those denier sites you're so fond of. Look what they've done with your email address!

Either that or you've been Googling some suspect keywords lately.

"The Earth is not the center of the universe. 9 million scientists can't be wrong"

You may also want to look into big foot sightings and dousing as one of the prominent YA! scientists believes in them too.

Look there is no use in trying to get the liberal mind to comprehend an idea or concept unless it involves blaming rich people for the problem.

Even you should know that's a poor argument.

It is a good day to be a troll.

you would have yo prove they are wrong first.

good luck.

Then it clicked, the similarity is amazing.

"climate change 97% of scientists can't be wrong"