> How many reasons can you describe that show that the notion that AGW is a conspiracy to raise taxes is absurd?

How many reasons can you describe that show that the notion that AGW is a conspiracy to raise taxes is absurd?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1. Most of the industrialized world has taxed gasoline since the 1920s. The conspiracy of Al Gore (born 1948) would need not just the co-option of millions of scientists, every major science academy, every major earth science text writer, etc. around the world for decades, but also a time machine.


2. Taxes in most industrialized countries rose significantly during and after World War II (rise of social welfare state, military industrial complex etc.). James Hansen (born 1941), taking an interest in astronomy growing up, was not involved.

3. The world's governments have taken very little action in response to global warming. What kind of conspiracy can commandeer Margaret Thatcher,

1. Why would so many scientists cooperate? Most scientists do not directly benefit from increased taxes, they're taxpayers like everyone else. And, of course, the whole thing about being able to make your name in science by proving the consensus is wrong.

2. Too many players in general. The probability of a given conspiracy decreases as the number of prospective conspirators increases. And, well, when you get something as inherently inefficient and leak-prone as a democratic government in on the game, there would be leaks all over the place (and I'm not talking a few vague references in an exchange of private email)

3. Physical evidence. How'd we get the glaciers in on the conspiracy?

4. There are far easier ways to get people willing to pay more taxes. A nice, patriotic war is probably, in many respects, the easiest. And it'd be much easier to arrange, I suspect.

5. You'd expect more actual *results*, after 3 or so decades. There are some carbon taxes in Australia, and *revenue-neutral* carbon taxes in part of Canada, and... as far as I know, that's it.

It didn't start as a conspiracy.

In 1948 a man called Ancel Keys authored a study of 5000 men and women on the effect of saturated fat and cholesterol, he genuinely believed in this study but was disappointed as It didn't completely confirm his beliefs, however the study was jumped on by the media and hailed as a great revelation, this study was never peer reviewed and was not published until 8 yrs later.

But now it is accepted as fact and Pharmaceutical companies make billions in sales of statin type drugs.

Google cholesterol myth and make up your own mind, I believe it is now some kind of conspiracy

I don't need many. In the history of science there has never been a conspiracy by scientists to abuse science that included more than a handful of people. The nature of science and personalities of scientists are both aggressively anti-conspiratorial.

And if you want to include what might be considered political attempts to force scientists to participate in conspiracies - for example Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia - both not only failed, they backfired and did each nation more harm than good.

None, because on the basis of no evidence taxes HAVE been raised. Or do you deny that taxes have been raised? And as if taxes can control the weather, come on, wakey wakey, if you believe taxes can control the weather then there's very little that can be done to help you.

Why are you guys so obsessed with conspiracies? When was the last time you asked a question even remotely related to science?

List all the climate alarmists you know that have come out in favor of lower taxes, smaller government, and more individual freedom.... hello... hello... is this thing still on?

If you watch book TV on C-Span 2 sometimes Jim Hansen is calling for Carbon taxes

and like magic the mean CO2 will go away .And most of the empty heads on MSNBC too.

basically non