> Has global warming alarmism gone too far?

Has global warming alarmism gone too far?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
when a supposedly intelligent news anchor can ask if an asteroid might be an effect of global warming?


Yes, and the hysteria continues unabated after 15 years of stable, not increasing temperatures.

Heat waves in places that have always had heatwaves prove global warming.

Floods in places that have always had floods prove global warming.

Storms in places that have always had storms prove global warming.

Cold weather in winter proves global warming.

Hot weather in summer also proves global warming.

Asteroids therefore must also prove global warming: it is the scientific consensus, after all: far more important than the data.

The Truth? The Planet is in the best shape it has been for at least 100 years, especially in the West. All the hype is overblown; if anything the 0.6 degree warming we did get last Century was beneficial to all concerned.

Global warming will not cause a asteroid to hit Earth. What it can do is cause thermal expansion of the atmosphere which could accelerate the decay of orbits of satellites and deflect very small meteors. But such meteors will be very small and will burn up before hitting Earth's surface. It will not effect the pathof an asteroid which passes thousands of miles from Earth and would do nothing more than give a more spectacular light show if an asteroid were to graze the atmosphere. But it will not cause an asteroid large enough to make a noticeable crater strike Earth.

And morons like All Black hold on to the absurd claim that Earth has not been warming for 15 years.


I see this is all over the conservative blogs now, quite funny how a question like that can be so offensive to deniers when there is so much (deliberate) disinformation they simply accept without question from their news sources. For instance, according to scientist Fox news is wrong an astonishing 93% of the time on the issue of global warming. And from what I see here on this section of yahoo answers, (where the deniers claim global warming is caused by anything but an increase of greenhouse gases) a fair question and Bill Nye answered it as such.

But here is the part of the transcript and let you decide for yourself if the question was alarmist.

Well, we want to bring in our science guy, Bill Nye. And you know, talk about something else is falling from the sky. And that is an asteroid. What's coming our way? Is this an effect of perhaps global warming or just some meteoric occasion?

BILL NYE, THE SOURCE GUY: Except its all science and it is the word meteorology and the word meteor come from the same root.


What I got thumbs down for posting facts about fox news coverage, the CNN transcript of the full segment and the full interview on youtube? Give me more, it is just further proof deniers can't deal with the facts.

It appears the news anchor would fit right in with those who are denying the scientific evidence showing that we really should be alarmed about the changes taking place in the Earth. Research shows the climate is changing in response to man’s activities. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing, the temperature of the Earth is rising, the oceans are becoming more acidic, glaciers and polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, the probability of severe weather events is increasing, and weather-related natural disasters are becoming more frequent and more costly. It’s time we get alarmed enough to do something about it and to vote out the politicians who are ignoring science.

The reference below shows how global warming is affecting the Earth, using pictures and graphs.

Notice how none of the eco fascists don't condemn this behaviour ?

It a scripted science piece on a major news network, it has nothing to do with the anchor not being a rocket scientist, he doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to read a script. No they like it because it will slip into a few educated brains subconsciously and help further their fascist agenda.

The back and forth banter of who is a denier and who is a kool-aid drinker of GW is irrelevant. Even if we assume that all global warming apocalyptic predictions are true, it doesn't matter anyway. The U.S. per capita output of CO2 has decreased by around 2%. Unfortunalely, China, India and Brazil's output has gone up by an average of 130%. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. And don't kid yourself, all the haters that hate you for posing your question, are using their ipads, driving the hell out of their cars, and warming their butts by petroleum fueled heaters right this very minute. Petroleum equals prosperity and no one is going to get away from using it. Use less of it..maybe. Solar and wind equals Ethiopia style poverty.

Yes. I used to believe in global warming and I still believe in saving the environment, however I have an open mind and after checking out the facts and listening to both sides, I no longer see rising CO2 levels as a problem, and find the whole issue has been hijacked by people who want to advance their own programs.

I believe burning up oil and gas (not coal) at such an incredible rate, supremely stupid, what are we going to do when it runs out?.

What happened to common sense, I don't see much of it on either side.

Well like you, news anchors aren't rocket scientists, because you wouldn't get off the ground.

Nor are either of you real climate scientists or that comment would never been made. So one stupid person who reads the news off a card and that is GW alarmism.

In fact there is very little real alarmism associated with GW science, so as not to scare people. The point is to educate them to GW and steps to take to slow it down so as not to let it get to catstrophic proportions, which it will if left unchecked.

You DA deniers are the problem, spewing lies, half truthism misinformation and questions like this that are merely distractions from reality in an attempt to get other weak minded people to believe as you believe. That is a total disservice to the people coming to this forum who want to actually learn something as well as a disservice to future generations that hope to breathe the air

That was funny!

But no, that is their usual way of talking. Hen laying the egg, Global Warming!

That only shows that not every idiot is an AGW science-Denier. It does not change the fact that almost every Denier is an idiot or the scientific reality of global warming.


kano ---

>>I have an open mind <<

And you apparently allow people to throw garbage in it.

when a supposedly intelligent news anchor can ask if an asteroid might be an effect of global warming?


It's the result of the endless "Any unusual event is proof of Climate Change" alarmists have turned to. Alarmists LOVE seeing stupid people fall for this stuff.

Yes the global warming 'alarmist' have gone too far!

No, the situation is really bad.

Take you medication and shut the **** up

Appallingly stupid question

It's not alarmism my friend.

It's dead serious Socialists leading an army of useful idiots.

Global warming can't be all bad. It causes more women to prostitute themselves.


You don't do sarcasm, do you?