> Global warming “pause” may last for 20 years (or more)?

Global warming “pause” may last for 20 years (or more)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It doesn't matter to alarmists. Some of them will argue that there is no pause and that deniers just don't understand science. Some of them will admit that there is a pause but they have a long list of excuses on why it's occurring and claim that deniers just don't understand science.

CAGW is non falsifiable to them and they think skeptics are the ones who don't understand science.

Oh, and there there are some that claim there is no pause and they can also explain why it's occurring.


Reality is now completely meaningless to them.

Sounds like they have overstated the amount of warming that would happen. Which means that they have overstated the damage from that warming. Which means they have overstated what should be done to counteract the warming, as the costs are so high and the benefits so few, since there is not as much damage as they predicted. Oh yea, and no tipping points, which the IPCC has just reported is very unlikely anyways.

For people who think this is just 'skeptic denier' Judith Curry, I refer you to RealClimate, who had a guest post predicting the same, but no mention of stadium waves. They thought it was likely enough that they should hedge their bets by saying it could pause for 20-30 years and then global warming will be back with a vengeance.

If they gave you a date, they would just change it when they were proven wrong. Right now they are out there chasing some missing heat.

They can say PAUSE or slow down or anything else, but the fact remains, the earth's temperature has no correlation to the level of CO2.

You must admit, there was no pause in the rise of CO2. The saviors of the earth welded temperature and CO2 level together. Now that it is not working according to their plan they are scurrying back to under their rocks and calling a cooling a pause. Ha! Ha! They are so visible.

What do you want! Seriously if they don't mention the pause they're wrong if they do they are being greedy. You just don't understand science, the more possibilities a theory covers the better the theory. Anti science liar deniers point to myriad of claims regarding our world and the cause as being anthropogenic global warming and believe that just because its all happened before for natural reasons that it isn't happening now for supertnatural reasons. So if scientists say it wouldn't be flooding on the flood plains of India during monsoon season with less CO2 in the air then why don't we test the theory and stop destroying the ozone layer so we can save the polar bears.

How will ocean currents react in computer models? It should be a funny cartoon to watch on Saturday morning sometime in the future.

The basic theory of Global Warming from CO2 emissions has been known to have many fallacies for several years now. Maybe when they figure out that the Planet isn't so sensitive, they (alarmists) will be relieved and become a less angry group?

Its not a pause Global warming died. The alarmist are using

CPR and fibulaters on it .Its only dead bones .

Until they can say global cooling is going to make the sky fall.

You aren't fighting fair. You are using logic and facts.

What are we going to do about it???

I mean c'mon is it so hard to change our ways? On a personal level is it so hard for you to change what you do so you impact less on your environment for the better?

C'mon people, its easy to change!


When does a 'pause' become a stop?

I'm thinking grant seeking climate scientists still want their grants for the next 20 years (or longer) … right?
