> Global Warming Positive effect on deserts?

Global Warming Positive effect on deserts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming is having a positive effect on deserts, plants like warmth and Co2, and with more Co2 plants transpire less and need less water.

The Sahara and Kalahari deserts are receding, people are moving back into the Sahel to live.


The IPCC and main stream media wont tell you this but it is true.

Gary F. Main stream media, doesn't go on about this, they go about droughts extreme weather, never ever the good side, I dislike all politics, there is no common sense used in politics, only the party line.

Well some Deserts are spreading thanks to this climate change, but under a warmer climate some deserts would actually become wetter in lieu of climate warming and formerly lush productive areas would potentially become much drier under climate warming, potentially becoming desert areas instead of the formerly lush fertile temperate regions they once were. It is widely thought that much or all of the Midwest would become a desert even with a modestly warmer climate, so in this case Global Warming or a regional warming of even 1 or 2 degrees fahrenheit would be very bad news for the U.S. Midwest.

There aren't any big positives to Global Warming on deserts. I guess desert animals have more places to live...

There is global worming because of trees are being cut down makeing higher carbon and trees actuly filter the air without trees we would be dead and would damage the atmosphere causeing global warming

kano --

>>The IPCC and main stream media wont tell you this but it is true.<<

That is a complete Bullshlt lie.

It was climate scientists who created the knowledge you cite - it was predicted by climate models - and it is old news.


You should quit pretending that you give a shlt about science or the truth and just admit that you are driven by political belief - and nothing more.


kano --

>>go about droughts extreme weather, never ever the good side<<

They go on about stuff that affects people - especially negatively. That's just the way it is.

In general, the "main stream" media has been delinquent in its reporting on climate change and they are the primary reason that much of the public thinks Denier arguments have some legitimacy.

Do some research. The logic pattern of AGW isn't practical.

Pretty much, the deserts are getting bigger & harder to contain.

What is one trade-off or positive and negative effects on deserts because of global warming? I had an idea, but its a negative if you think about it. deserts are spreading because of global warming. does that work?