> Someone please help (its an easy S/E question (global warming))?

Someone please help (its an easy S/E question (global warming))?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Okay so can someone give me an inferential question i can research on about global warming? Please?

Global warming is causing the ice packs to melt, which then has water runoff that flows over the ice packs melting the surface and into the ocean and melting the bottom of the ice as well. This in turn causes the packs to melt faster.

The decrease in size of the ice packs decreases the surface that reflects the sun's rays, which are then absorbed into the ocean more and on tundra surfaces. Thus heating up the earth more.

How will this affect the daily lives of people?

Energy conservation is the only policy that I would put into effect. This policy would be very broad; encompassing as many aspects of energy use as possible.

The first item on the table would be to force automobile manufacturers to only produce vehicles with high MPG ratings and eventually to develop new models that are not run on gasoline alone. Such vehicles are known as hybrids and are run on a combination of electricity and gasoline. Currently, the technology is available to manufacture cars with 40+ mpg ratings, however, the concern lies with the increasing number of trucks and SUVs that are known worldwide as “gas-guzzlers”. These larger vehicles are becoming more and more prevalent and currently do not meet any efficiency standards. Requiring that all new SUVs and trucks from this point forward be as fuel efficient as their smaller counterparts, would be a large step in the way of vehicle efficiency and pave the way for less gasoline reliance. This in turn will allow for fewer emissions of carbon dioxide from the vehicles that we have all come to rely on for our sole source of transportation.

The next policy to implement would be that technology be developed to make all appliances run efficiently; from refrigerators and stoves on down to video game equipment and lamps. Every piece of machinery or device that we own uses energy in some way, shape, or form. Large pieces of industrial equipment and even residential equipment require a lot of energy to run thereby contributing to the world’s air pollution. If we would require that manufacturers of such items follow strict guidelines of energy efficiency, not only would users save money, but energy use would be at a minimum and thus, less air pollution would be created.

Some headway is being made in this area, but not enough and not nearly fast enough. We see most progress being made in the residential areas: examples are Energy Star appliances and compact, fluorescent light bulbs. However, everything coming onto the market needs to be required to be energy efficient according to pre-determined standards and we can’t continue to bypass the industrial aspect of this.

The last policy that I would implement revolves around recycling. I would require that all packaging be recyclable and that it be made from recycled materials. Recycling helps the environment by conserving our natural resources, saving energy, reducing air and water pollution, and reducing the need for landfill space.

Currently, many recycling programs are in place worldwide, but there are no policies that enforce its unequivocal use, yet this is one of the easiest ways of protecting our environment. In order for my policy to be successful, all businesses and consumers need to actively participate. Following the reduce, reuse, and recycle methodology will help to reduce the amount of energy that is used during the elimination of waste products.

CAUTION! Free essay samples & essay examples on Global Warming are 100% plagiarized!!!

Global Warming, has it happened before?

Global Warming, what does the geological record tell us?

Global Warming, what do we really know versus what do we beleive we know?

I could have fun with any of the above...

I'm not sure I'm parsing what you're asking for.

From the definition of "inference" on Wikipedia, I'm guessing you're looking for an if-then statement generally held to be true for you to research, but I'm really not sure.

So, instead, I'll just throw my Usual Sources at you and wish you luck...






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

Limits of CO2 warming here : http://tallbloke.files.wordpress.com/201...

Are you looking for alarm-isms or real-isms?


Okay so can someone give me an inferential question i can research on about global warming? Please?