> Short Global Warming Survey?

Short Global Warming Survey?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How often do you hear the term global warming in your everyday life?

2) somewhat often

How often does global warming come up in your everyday conversation with friends and family?

2) somewhat often

Rate the following enviromental concerns according to how important you believe it is too find solutions for them. (1=most important 8=least important)

1. -global warming

2. -availability of safe drinking water

3. -irresponsible land development

4. -acid rain

5. -endangered species

6. -air pollution

7. -responsible forestry

8. -disposal and management of solid water

How important is it to have leader in our government who will take action against the impacts of global warming?

1) very important

What are you and your family doing to lessen the impact of global warming?

2) we are doing a few small things to reduce the impact of global warming

How often do you hear the term global warming in your everyday life? 4 Rarely

How often does global warming come up in your everyday conversation with friends and family?

3 never

Rate the following enviromental concerns according to how important you believe it is too find solutions for them. (1=most important 8=least important)

-acid rain 8

-endangered species 8

-air pollution 4

-global warming 8

-responsible forestry 4

-irresponsible land development 7

-availability of safe drinking water 4

-disposal and management of solid water 1

How important is it to have leader in our government who will take action against the impacts of global warming? 3

What are you and your family doing to lessen the impact of global warming? 1

How often do you hear the term global warming in your everyday life?


How often does global warming come up in your everyday conversation with friends and family?


Rate the following enviromental concerns according to how important you believe it is too find solutions for them. (1=most important 8=least important)

-acid rain = 7

-endangered species = 5

-air pollution = 6

-global warming = 8

-responsible forestry =4

-irresponsible land development = 3

-availability of safe drinking water =2

-disposal and management of solid water = 1

How important is it to have leader in our government who will take action against the impacts of global warming?

3) not important at all AND 9/11 WAS A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

What are you and your family doing to lessen the impact of global warming?

1) we are not doing anything at this time AND THE GOVERNMENT IS HOLDING ALIENS IN AREA 51.

How often do you hear the term global warming in your everyday life?

1) very often

How often does global warming come up in your everyday conversation with friends and family?

1) very often

8-acid rain

8-endangered species

4 -air pollution

8-global warming

1-responsible forestry

1-irresponsible land development

1-availability of safe drinking water

1-disposal and management of solid water

How important is it to have leader in our government who will take action against the impacts of global warming?

3) not important at all.

What are you and your family doing to lessen the impact of global warming?

1) we are not doing anything at this time

Since there is no Global Warming, nothing can be done about it.

The percentage of Americans saying there is solid evidence of global warming has steadily increased over the past few years. Currently, 67% say there is solid evidence that the earth’s average temperature has been getting warmer over the past few decades, up four points since last year and 10 points since 2009.

Similarly, an increasing proportion say that the rise in the earth’s temperature has mostly been caused by human activity. Currently, 42% say the warming is mostly caused by human activity, such as burning fossil fuels, while 19% say it is mostly caused by natural patterns in the earth’s environment. Last year, 38% mostly attributed global warming to human activity and in 2010 34% did so.

The national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Oct. 4-7 among 1,511 adults finds increasing numbers of Democrats, Republicans and independents saying there is solid evidence of warming, although there continues to be a substantial partisan divide on this issue. Fully 85% of Democrats say there is solid evidence that the average temperature has been getting warmer, up from 77% last year and similar to levels in 2007 and 2008.

Nearly half of Republicans (48%) say there is solid evidence of warming, compared with 43% last year and 35% in 2009. The percentage of Republicans saying there is solid evidence of warming is still lower than it was in 2006 and 2007, but is now about where it was in 2008. A majority of independents (65%) say there is solid evidence of warming; that is up from 53% in 2009 and lower than from 2006 to 2008.

How often do you hear the term global warming in your everyday life?

1) very often 2) somewhat often 3) never

How often does global warming come up in your everyday conversation with friends and family?

1) very often 2) somewhat often 3) never

Rate the following enviromental concerns according to how important you believe it is too find solutions for them. (1=most important 8=least important)

-acid rain

-endangered species

-air pollution

-global warming

-responsible forestry

-irresponsible land development

-availability of safe drinking water

-disposal and management of solid water

How important is it to have leader in our government who will take action against the impacts of global warming?

1) very important 2) somewhat important 3) not important at all.

What are you and your family doing to lessen the impact of global warming?

1) we are not doing anything at this time

2) we are doing a few small things to reduce the impact of global warming

3) we are doing many things to reduce the impact of global warming