> Did global warming causes Chicago and New York City to have no snow on the ground on Christmas Day?

Did global warming causes Chicago and New York City to have no snow on the ground on Christmas Day?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Climate Realist is right. There will be fewer white Christmases due to global warming. There also could be more white Christmases due to global warming as well. Or there might be about the same amount of white Christmases due to global warming too.

Regardless, any of the three scenarios prove man made global warming is real.


It is dangerous to say that any one off weather event proves or disproves AGW. However, because of AGW, global warming will mean fewer white Christmas' on New York City and Chicago.

No; that will be weather!

Climate is the average weather over many years; climate change would be a change in that average, again measured over many years.

No, but Global Warming did cause their residents to have less money in their pockets with which to buy Christmas presents.

one day is weather and Chicago/NYC are not the planet