> Climate change data they dont want to admit?

Climate change data they dont want to admit?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I guess they should have said unprecedented but pegminer should be accustomed to the ambiguity of climate science by now.


What data?

I (again) read the original German article and no data whatsoever is presented. All the original author claims is that the winter in 5 locations in the Alps (Kitzbühel, Zugspitze, Schmittenh?he, Sonnblick and S?ntis) had "clearly become colder" ("eindeutig k?lter geworden").

So for starters 'notrickszone's' claim that the "Alps have been cooling over the last 20 years and longer" is very likely false as it is not supported by the data presented by the original article which only speaks of 5 places in the Alps and only about winters.

Then 'notrickszone' blatantly makes stuff up. It claims that an expert review was performed of the data by the Austrian state weather service (ZAMG) which concluded that "Winters there indeed are shown to have gotten colder over the last 20 years, and in some places quite massively. The last two winters at Kitzbühel were in fact the coldest of the last 20 years."

That is total BS. That conclusion was made by the original author of the article, not ZAMG. All ZAMG did was provide the data when requested!

The original author (Dominik Jung) writes: "Nach einer fachlichen Prüfung meinerseits bin ich sehr überrascht. Die Winter sind dort in den letzten 20 Jahren tats?chlich nachweislich k?lter geworden, und das teilweise ganz massiv. Die letzten beiden Winter waren in Kitzbühel sogar die k?ltesten der vergangenen 20 Jahre." (which Google Translates to "According to a peer review for my part I am very surprised. The winters are actually made ??there in the last 20 years proven colder, and sometimes quite massive. The last two winters were in Kitzbühel even the coldest of the past 20 years.) Note that I do not need Google Translate to understand German but I do need it to translate it into English.

The title of the 'notrickszone' article is also wrong. The only meteorologist who is stupefied is Dominik Jung, the original author of the article (who has a habit of singling out winter data to prove his denial).


This is some crooked data change they don't want to admit.

Ah der Kitzbühel! Great place to ski. Unfortunately, the last time I was there was 25 years ago. It was warmer and not as good as it was in the sixties. The article tracks with my experience.


Actually the scientists do know about this trend and are suppressing it, because it doesn't fit their agenda.

Joseph Goebbel,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Notice in particular, " to use all of its powers to repress dissent." You have many on this site who are here to suppress that dissent and to spew misinformation. that is their sole purpose in life. My suspicions are that many are paid by Y!A because these ones get preferential treatment. And I have proof to that effect.

We know Grungo can understand German, that is what 'The Communist Manifesto' and 'Mein Kampf' were written in.

They deny the entire lack of warming for the last two decades as being proof of no GW. They change the name of their manufactured catastrophe to get a little CYA. Soon it will be called Man-made Global Cooling and we will have to limit CO2 emissions to slow it down.

We just has the warmest decade globally in 133 years, and the global average temps are still rising. Although the Alps may have been cooling for decades, that has no bearing on climate change.

According to computer simulations, the limited cooling trend you can make over NH land during winter, if you cherry pick your starting date to be around 1997, is largely due to the swing from one of the biggest, hottest El Ninos on record ('97/'98) to more La Ninas recently:


Some of the coldest episodes are caused by atmospheric blocking patterns, and it seems that the collapse in Arctic sea ice encourages these to form.


This is limited to some areas of Northern Hemisphere land and during winter. Summer temperatures are rising exactly as before and part of the heat is being temporarily hidden by more heating of the deeper ocean.

The real world and reality are not places frequented by warmons.

This is not what you think ,you are on the right path , this is of good and evil , so witch side can you talk to . and who runs this evil field of fraud any way .

What does "cooling massively" even mean? 0.1 degree? 1 degree? 10 degrees? 30 degrees?

You might try reading something that actually had content to it. Even if something about this is true (I say something, because it is so vague as to not really say anything), no one ever said that every place in the world would warm all the time.

Apparently, it is you and the author of your article who do not want to admit anything about the data - since neither of you present any.
