> Climate Change Essay Question.?

Climate Change Essay Question.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here’s 20 commonly used arguments to get you going, there are many more.

? There has been no significant warming since 1998 (or thereabouts). Temperatures have levelled off despite the fact that we’re continuing to emit large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions.

? Warming is caused by the Sun. Solar activity goes through peaks and troughs and over time these influence the global temperature. During periods of heightened activity the Sun radiates more heat energy and Earth warms up.

? Warming and cooling are natural processes. Earth has warmed and cooled many time in the past, long before humans started emitting greenhouse gases.

? The amount of Polar ice is increasing. There’s more ice today in the Arctic than there used to be, this can only happen when the world is cooling.

? Warming is caused by an increase in the amount of incoming cosmic radiation, these help clouds to form which trap heat.

? Weather stations are badly sited and this is skewing the readings, they’re affected by being close to buildings, in car-parks etc.

? There is no consensus, even the scientists can’t agree of global warming is real or not.

? Scientists have been caught out manipulating the data. Hackers released a lot of their emails and documents and these show the extent of data-fudging that’s been going on.

? Increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has very little effect, if any. We’ve already reached saturation point so any additional CO2 will have almost no effect.

? There are other planets in the solar system that are also warming including Mars and Jupiter. This means that any warming must be being caused by the Sun.

? The temperature records don’t go back far enough and we don’t have enough data to determine quite what the temperatures are doing.

? Climate models aren’t accurate, they can neither predict when it will get warmer or when it will cool. When they do get it correct then they over-estimate the level of warming.

? Scientists can’t predict global warming. In the past they predicted a period of global cooling and that never happened either.

? Scientists can’t account for the ‘missing heat’. They claim it’s gone somewhere but they can’t say where it’s gone.

? Volcanoes cause far more global warming than humans do. A single volcano emits more CO2 than all of humanity ever has.

? Natural processes release far more CO2 than humans do.

? Global warming is a scam that was invented by the government as a way to impose taxes.

? There isn’t enough CO2 in the atmosphere to cause any significant warming, it accounts for just 0.04% of the atmosphere.

? Scientists are pursuing the global warming agenda so they can obtain grant money.

? We can’t even get the weather forecast right so how can we possibly predict the climate.

Climate science arrogance and alarmism is based on the belief that humans have severely impacted the weather and overall climate. Their simple deduction comes from rising temperatures and rising CO2 levels (as if that is the catalyst for all of the Planet's warming). Extremist environmental zealots and arrogant climate scientists have combined to portray this narrow-minded view of the world.

It's basically a battle between science and religion and the "hart-felt" belief in either side that promotes the debate. Climate Science has an innate trust in its own research and uses a human-induced, self-checking, peer review system to justify their findings, which totally defies their own logic. The "Theory of Evolution" is used to justify that humans came from nothing (a big bang), but Einstein mathematically calculated the "Theory of Evolution" and came up with an answer - "infinity", which means "infinite intelligence", which also suggests a higher intelligence than our own. The "Theory of Relativity" is the cornerstone of all science (or it was until climate scientist's arrogant thinking came along).

Climate science bases its information on their own arrogant thinking of how the climate works which is limited to its own research and its own interpretation of it. They totally dismiss Einstein's answer and with that arrogant thinking they simply defy science itself by reaching their own conclusions about the way the climate works.

google the skeptics handbook it's an easy to follow pdf file that lists some of the main arguments against this un-proven and wacky theory.

Or Rosstar could simply use Trevor's list. ;)

It has been warming for centuries. Basic physics puts the amount of warming at 1.2C, much less than scientists claim by using models that assume lots of positive feedback. Instead there could be negative feedback such as clouds that reflect heat.

watch Cosmos tonight

you will be glad you did

I'll say the same things I tell every body else. The globe hasn't warmed since 1997. The polar ice caps are up 50% since 2012. Lake Superior still has ice on it and its June. The global warming scientists are always wrong with data. I could go on and on but this should get you past the test.

Try http://skepticalscience.com

Anybody who is particularly good at skeptical views on climate change, I need a structure for this essay or some ideas, thanks.

'Outline and evaluate the main criticisms that ‘climate change sceptics’ make of the observations related to global warming and climate change'.