> Calculating Carbon FootPrint?

Calculating Carbon FootPrint?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
KWh is already power*hours, so no need to multiply by hours again.

perhaps you meant kilowatts*hours?

Conversion Factor

Natural Gas

1 MMbtu = 53.02 kg CO2 116.8889524 lb CO2

= 0.001 kg CH4 0.00220462 lb CH4

= 0.0001 kg NO2 0.000220462 lb NO2

0.053 MTCO2e 1.1023 ton CO2e

Go to egrid on DOE's site and you can get your regional value of MtCO2e for Electricity

MtCO2e = Metric ton of CO2 equaivalent

Take your kWh value * .003412 * your egrid value (midwest is around 0.209)

Example a hospital (1 million gsf) uses 25,680,000 kwh in a year

This yields : 18,313 Mt CO2e from electric use

1+1=5 in this field

You should divide your answer by 2 if you believe in AGW, this will make you feel better about your carbon footprint while essentially having the same effect as cutting your footprint in half.

Their are sites for that . One said I use stuff enough for

3 Earths and another said 12 Earths . And they ask you to

pay a carbon credits so you wont feel bad.

Its a scam .

I'm attempting to calculate my carbon footprint as accurately as possible for this assignment I'm doing.

Theoretically I have developed a excel document ready to simply input data and get calculations, however I'm not too sure what the formula is.

I think its:

I have time in hours


Outlet KWh


Conversion rate

Is this the way I can calculate CO2 emissions per kg?

If not can anyone tell me how? if you could source it too that would be great. I Need to find it down to each individual outlet, from laptop charger to phone charger to light bulb to every shower.