> As power blackouts are predicted, or blackout due to storms etc, are you prepared as to how you would cope in the dark,

As power blackouts are predicted, or blackout due to storms etc, are you prepared as to how you would cope in the dark,

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just interested does anyone preoare and how you do it, ideas

Things will change, and we will adapt. I am just old enough to remember the blackouts in the 70's. The main hardship now will be lack of internet access as people seem so dependent on it.

I've always had drawers full of cheap night light candles, and at least 6 lanterns that can bun them safely all night.

I have always stocked up on basic foods like rice and pasta in various forms so there will be food.

Camping is a good way to give yourself a bit of self reliance that you can live without most 'essentials', and stops you panicking.

If you wanted to you could last longer and be more self sufficient by having various camping stoves, a BBQ bucket, plenty of charcoal, a small generator, solar panel kit, spare battery bank, rain water collection (city water pumps use electricity too), water purification kit (yes this goes wrong too), and basic hunting kit if things get really bad.

But that is only if you wanted to. A solar charger kit for a tablet and mobile internet connection would be good for most people,

1. If the power fails, our oil-fired central heating stops (both controller and circulation pumps need electricity). So we have bought a very modern high-efficiency wood burning stove. It's beautiful, and pumps out at least 8 kw of heat from a very small amount of fuel. We won't freeze.

2. We have a camping gas stove to cook on a for a few days

3. We have several high-power longlife lanterns ofr light, and a hand-powered generator lamp.

4. We keep an old-fashioned phone that works off the power in the landline, so we can make calls when there is no power.

I experience blackouts 3 or 4 times a week, its no problem, but then it never gets cold here.

We go camping so all that equipment comes in handy in power outages as do some 5 gallon jugs of water. I am currently considering a generator large enough to run a fridge, freezer and the furnace/AC.

no. r u?

Just interested does anyone preoare and how you do it, ideas