> Are there any questions as to whether or not Global Warming is Communist related after the New York march?

Are there any questions as to whether or not Global Warming is Communist related after the New York march?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I bet they wouldn't be "radical revolutionists" if they were "dictated to" and "told to do" what they didn't "want to" do. I doubt that they were told to march, but I'm sure they "feel" like they are doing something positive with their "ill-gotten fossil fuel" energy that got them there.

Socialism is just one-step from Communism. I see a lot of Socialists are there. Their statements are firmly disguised as T-shirts that someone "capitalized" themselves on. I don't see many self-made clothes either. They must be wearing clothes that someone "capitalized" themselves with by using fossil fuels to make them (unless Government money (debt) was used to manufacture them. If that's the case, then they are in perfect step with our liberal-minded Government specialists).

"Global Warming Hypocrites" run amok!!!

I wonder how many lives could have been spared from poverty-stricken countries with the money spent on AGW research that doesn't seem to be happening?

Looks like over 300,000,000 U.S. citizens stayed home. LOL!

Pretty funny how Gary F and Chem Flunky both turn their heads away from the radical extremists who think they know why they are marching and who they are marching against. They'd have been better off marching on Moscow. Putin would have honored them and then shot them in front of all who could see.

They are a bunch of anti-capitalist Commies (period). The march will feature a 300 foot long banner that says: "Capitalism = Climate Chaos - Flood Wall Street"

The only real goal of the man-made Global Warming SCAM is to promote world socialism. The supporters of the march include lots of openly Socialist/Communist groups and of course Unions and Democrats and progressives --- it's the All Commies People's March.

People don't know history, if they did they would never support Communism and/or Socialism. Believe it or not, the Commies killed more people than the Nazis. There were mass killings and starvation in the millions under both Lenin and Stalin.

Capitalism is what made America great, it's only our dive into socialism over the last half-century or so that has undermined our economy, and caused us to be the biggest debtor nation in the world.


From another poster:

Climate Change is the Symptom

Capitalism is the Disease

Socialism is the Cure

The agenda has been revealed.

Of course, and here is the mother of all those commies who want to enslave you with taxes on gasoline, include mathematics in schools, teach Satanistic evolution science to your kids, and fluoridate your water:

Judging by the rabble shown on the news, I would guess that most of them were conceived at Woodstock.

Clearly it is an anti-capitalist movement.

So there were some communist party members who accept AGW. So what?

That's like saying that just because you and Madd Maxx call yourselves "skeptics" makes all skeptics Nazis.

The issues: Is the Globe warming? and How much does man have to do with it are scientific questions.

What can we do about it is a scientific/economic issue.

How to implement anything become a political issue.

Th presence of nay number of commies does not have any affect on the scientific questions.

Not to Godwin's-law the argument, but... Hitler had a mustache. Does that make everyone with a mustache evil?

Yeah, there are anti-AGW activists who are communists. There are also anti-AGW activists who are pretty much any other political stripe you can imagine. "Some A are B" =/= either "all A are B" or "All B are A". Basic logic, dude. Learn it.

they are definitely commies, they don't even deny it.


ChemFlunky is right. By your logic, that would mean that every conservative is a lying, scientifically illiterate, U.S. Constitution hating, paranoid conspiracy freak just because you are.